Package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk

Source Code of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk.MongoMK$Diff

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.mongodb.DB;

import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.CacheLIRS;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.CacheStats;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.CacheValue;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.EmpiricalWeigher;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk.Node.Children;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk.blob.MongoBlobStore;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk.util.Utils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.sqlpersistence.SQLBlobStore;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.sqlpersistence.SQLDocumentStore;

import static;

* A MicroKernel implementation that stores the data in a MongoDB.
public class MongoMK implements MicroKernel {

     * The threshold where special handling for many child node starts.
    static final int MANY_CHILDREN_THRESHOLD = Integer.getInteger(
            "oak.mongoMK.manyChildren", 50);
     * Enable the LIRS cache.
    static final boolean LIRS_CACHE = Boolean.parseBoolean(
            System.getProperty("oak.mongoMK.lirsCache", "false"));

     * Enable fast diff operations.
    private static final boolean FAST_DIFF = Boolean.parseBoolean(
            System.getProperty("oak.mongoMK.fastDiff", "true"));
     * The MongoDB store.
    protected final MongoNodeStore nodeStore;

     * The MongoDB store (might be used by multiple MongoMKs).
    protected final DocumentStore store;

     * Diff cache.
    private final Cache<String, Diff> diffCache;
    private final CacheStats diffCacheStats;

    MongoMK(Builder builder) {
        this.nodeStore = builder.getNodeStore(); = nodeStore.getDocumentStore();

        diffCache = builder.buildCache(builder.getDiffCacheSize());
        diffCacheStats = new CacheStats(diffCache, "MongoMk-DiffCache",
                builder.getWeigher(), builder.getDiffCacheSize());

    public void dispose() {

    void backgroundRead() {

    void backgroundWrite() {

    void runBackgroundOperations() {

    public MongoNodeStore getNodeStore() {
        return nodeStore;

    ClusterNodeInfo getClusterInfo() {
        return nodeStore.getClusterInfo();

    int getPendingWriteCount() {
        return nodeStore.getPendingWriteCount();

    public String getHeadRevision() throws MicroKernelException {
        return nodeStore.getHeadRevision().toString();

    @Override @Nonnull
    public String checkpoint(long lifetime) throws MicroKernelException {
        return nodeStore.checkpoint(lifetime);

    public String getRevisionHistory(long since, int maxEntries, String path)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        // not currently called by oak-core
        throw new MicroKernelException("Not implemented");

    public String waitForCommit(String oldHeadRevisionId, long timeout)
            throws MicroKernelException, InterruptedException {
        // not currently called by oak-core
        throw new MicroKernelException("Not implemented");

    public String getJournal(String fromRevisionId, String toRevisionId,
            String path) throws MicroKernelException {
        // not currently called by oak-core
        throw new MicroKernelException("Not implemented");

    public String diff(final String fromRevisionId,
                       final String toRevisionId,
                       final String path,
                       final int depth) throws MicroKernelException {
        String key = fromRevisionId + "-" + toRevisionId + "-" + path + "-" + depth;
        try {
            return diffCache.get(key, new Callable<Diff>() {
                public Diff call() throws Exception {
                    return new Diff(diffImpl(fromRevisionId, toRevisionId, path, depth));
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            if (e.getCause() instanceof MicroKernelException) {
                throw (MicroKernelException) e.getCause();
            } else {
                throw new MicroKernelException(e.getCause());
    synchronized String diffImpl(String fromRevisionId, String toRevisionId, String path,
            int depth) throws MicroKernelException {
        if (fromRevisionId.equals(toRevisionId)) {
            return "";
        if (depth != 0) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Only depth 0 is supported, depth is " + depth);
        if (path == null || path.equals("")) {
            path = "/";
        Revision fromRev = Revision.fromString(fromRevisionId);
        Revision toRev = Revision.fromString(toRevisionId);
        Node from = nodeStore.getNode(path, fromRev);
        Node to = nodeStore.getNode(path, toRev);

        if (from == null || to == null) {
            // TODO implement correct behavior if the node does't/didn't exist
            String msg = String.format("Diff is only supported if the node exists in both cases. " +
                    "Node [%s], fromRev [%s] -> %s, toRev [%s] -> %s",
                    path, fromRev, from != null, toRev, to != null);
            throw new MicroKernelException(msg);
        JsopWriter w = new JsopStream();
        for (String p : from.getPropertyNames()) {
            // changed or removed properties
            String fromValue = from.getProperty(p);
            String toValue = to.getProperty(p);
            if (!fromValue.equals(toValue)) {
                if (toValue == null) {
                } else {
        for (String p : to.getPropertyNames()) {
            // added properties
            if (from.getProperty(p) == null) {
        // TODO this does not work well for large child node lists
        // use a MongoDB index instead
        int max = MANY_CHILDREN_THRESHOLD;
        Children fromChildren, toChildren;
        fromChildren = nodeStore.getChildren(path, fromRev, max);
        toChildren = nodeStore.getChildren(path, toRev, max);
        if (!fromChildren.hasMore && !toChildren.hasMore) {
            diffFewChildren(w, fromChildren, fromRev, toChildren, toRev);
        } else {
            if (FAST_DIFF) {
                diffManyChildren(w, path, fromRev, toRev);
            } else {
                max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                fromChildren = nodeStore.getChildren(path, fromRev, max);
                toChildren = nodeStore.getChildren(path, toRev, max);
                diffFewChildren(w, fromChildren, fromRev, toChildren, toRev);
        return w.toString();
    private void diffManyChildren(JsopWriter w, String path, Revision fromRev, Revision toRev) {
        long minTimestamp = Math.min(fromRev.getTimestamp(), toRev.getTimestamp());
        long minValue = Commit.getModified(minTimestamp);
        String fromKey = Utils.getKeyLowerLimit(path);
        String toKey = Utils.getKeyUpperLimit(path);
        Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>();
        for (NodeDocument doc : store.query(Collection.NODES, fromKey, toKey,
                NodeDocument.MODIFIED, minValue, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
        // also consider nodes with not yet stored modifications (OAK-1107)
        Revision minRev = new Revision(minTimestamp, 0, nodeStore.getClusterId());
        addPathsForDiff(path, paths, nodeStore.getPendingModifications(), minRev);
        for (Revision r : new Revision[]{fromRev, toRev}) {
            if (r.isBranch()) {
                Branch b = nodeStore.getBranches().getBranch(fromRev);
                if (b != null) {
                    addPathsForDiff(path, paths, b.getModifications(r), r);
        for (String p : paths) {
            Node fromNode = nodeStore.getNode(p, fromRev);
            Node toNode = nodeStore.getNode(p, toRev);
            if (fromNode != null) {
                // exists in fromRev
                if (toNode != null) {
                    // exists in both revisions
                    // check if different
                    if (!fromNode.getLastRevision().equals(toNode.getLastRevision())) {
                } else {
                    // does not exist in toRev -> was removed
            } else {
                // does not exist in fromRev
                if (toNode != null) {
                    // exists in toRev
                } else {
                    // does not exist in either revisions
                    // -> do nothing

    private static void addPathsForDiff(String path,
                                 Set<String> paths,
                                 UnsavedModifications pending,
                                 Revision minRev) {
        for (String p : pending.getPaths(minRev)) {
            if (PathUtils.denotesRoot(p)) {
            String parent = PathUtils.getParentPath(p);
            if (path.equals(parent)) {
    private void diffFewChildren(JsopWriter w, Children fromChildren, Revision fromRev, Children toChildren, Revision toRev) {
        Set<String> childrenSet = new HashSet<String>(toChildren.children);
        for (String n : fromChildren.children) {
            if (!childrenSet.contains(n)) {
            } else {
                Node n1 = nodeStore.getNode(n, fromRev);
                Node n2 = nodeStore.getNode(n, toRev);
                // this is not fully correct:
                // a change is detected if the node changed recently,
                // even if the revisions are well in the past
                // if this is a problem it would need to be changed
                checkNotNull(n1, "Node at [%s] not found for fromRev [%s]", n, fromRev);
                checkNotNull(n2, "Node at [%s] not found for toRev [%s]", n, toRev);
                if (!n1.getId().equals(n2.getId())) {
        childrenSet = new HashSet<String>(fromChildren.children);
        for (String n : toChildren.children) {
            if (!childrenSet.contains(n)) {

    public boolean nodeExists(String path, String revisionId)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        if (!PathUtils.isAbsolute(path)) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Path is not absolute: " + path);
        revisionId = revisionId != null ? revisionId : nodeStore.getHeadRevision().toString();
        Revision rev = Revision.fromString(revisionId);
        Node n = nodeStore.getNode(path, rev);
        return n != null;

    public long getChildNodeCount(String path, String revisionId)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        // not currently called by oak-core
        throw new MicroKernelException("Not implemented");

    public String getNodes(String path, String revisionId, int depth,
            long offset, int maxChildNodes, String filter)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        if (depth != 0) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Only depth 0 is supported, depth is " + depth);
        revisionId = revisionId != null ? revisionId : nodeStore.getHeadRevision().toString();
        Revision rev = Revision.fromString(revisionId);
        Node n = nodeStore.getNode(path, rev);
        if (n == null) {
            return null;
        JsopStream json = new JsopStream();
        boolean includeId = filter != null && filter.contains(":id");
        includeId |= filter != null && filter.contains(":hash");
        n.append(json, includeId);
        int max;
        if (maxChildNodes == -1) {
            max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            maxChildNodes = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
            // use long to avoid overflows
            long m = ((long) maxChildNodes) + offset;
            max = (int) Math.min(m, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        Children c = nodeStore.getChildren(path, rev, max);
        for (long i = offset; i < c.children.size(); i++) {
            if (maxChildNodes-- <= 0) {
            String name = PathUtils.getName(c.children.get((int) i));
        if (c.hasMore) {
            // TODO use a better way to notify there are more children
        } else {
        return json.toString();

    public String commit(String rootPath, String jsonDiff, String baseRevId,
            String message) throws MicroKernelException {
        boolean success = false;
        boolean isBranch = false;
        Revision rev;
        Commit commit = nodeStore.newCommit(baseRevId != null ? Revision.fromString(baseRevId) : null);
        try {
            Revision baseRev = commit.getBaseRevision();
            isBranch = baseRev != null && baseRev.isBranch();
            parseJsonDiff(commit, jsonDiff, rootPath);
            rev = nodeStore.apply(commit);
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
            } else {
                nodeStore.done(commit, isBranch, null);
        return rev.toString();

    public String branch(@Nullable String trunkRevisionId) throws MicroKernelException {
        // nothing is written when the branch is created, the returned
        // revision simply acts as a reference to the branch base revision
        Revision revision = trunkRevisionId != null
                ? Revision.fromString(trunkRevisionId) : nodeStore.getHeadRevision();
        return revision.asBranchRevision().toString();

    public String merge(String branchRevisionId, String message)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        // TODO improve implementation if needed
        Revision revision = Revision.fromString(branchRevisionId);
        if (!revision.isBranch()) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Not a branch: " + branchRevisionId);
        try {
            return nodeStore.merge(revision, null).toString();
        } catch (CommitFailedException e) {
            throw new MicroKernelException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public String rebase(@Nonnull String branchRevisionId,
                         @Nullable String newBaseRevisionId)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        Revision r = Revision.fromString(branchRevisionId);
        Revision base = newBaseRevisionId != null ?
                Revision.fromString(newBaseRevisionId) :
        return nodeStore.rebase(r, base).toString();

    public String reset(@Nonnull String branchRevisionId,
                        @Nonnull String ancestorRevisionId)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        Revision branch = Revision.fromString(branchRevisionId);
        if (!branch.isBranch()) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Not a branch revision: " + branchRevisionId);
        Revision ancestor = Revision.fromString(ancestorRevisionId);
        if (!ancestor.isBranch()) {
            throw new MicroKernelException("Not a branch revision: " + ancestorRevisionId);
        return nodeStore.reset(branch, ancestor).toString();

    public long getLength(String blobId) throws MicroKernelException {
        try {
            return nodeStore.getBlob(blobId).length();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new MicroKernelException(e);

    public int read(String blobId, long pos, byte[] buff, int off, int length)
            throws MicroKernelException {
        try {
            return nodeStore.getBlobStore().readBlob(blobId, pos, buff, off, length);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new MicroKernelException(e);

    public String write(InputStream in) throws MicroKernelException {
        try {
            return nodeStore.getBlobStore().writeBlob(in);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new MicroKernelException(e);

    //-------------------------< accessors >------------------------------------

    public DocumentStore getDocumentStore() {
        return store;
    public CacheStats getNodeCacheStats() {
        return nodeStore.getNodeCacheStats();

    public CacheStats getNodeChildrenCacheStats() {
        return nodeStore.getNodeChildrenCacheStats();

    public CacheStats getDiffCacheStats() {
        return diffCacheStats;
    public CacheStats getDocChildrenCacheStats() {
        return nodeStore.getDocChildrenCacheStats();

    //------------------------------< internal >--------------------------------

    private void parseJsonDiff(Commit commit, String json, String rootPath) {
        String baseRevId = commit.getBaseRevision() != null ?
                commit.getBaseRevision().toString() : null;
        JsopReader t = new JsopTokenizer(json);
        while (true) {
            int r =;
            if (r == JsopReader.END) {
            String path = PathUtils.concat(rootPath, t.readString());
            switch (r) {
                case '+':
                    parseAddNode(commit, t, path);
                case '-':
                    nodeStore.markAsDeleted(path, commit, true);
                case '^':
                    String value;
                    if (t.matches(JsopReader.NULL)) {
                        value = null;
                    } else {
                        value = t.readRawValue().trim();
                    String p = PathUtils.getParentPath(path);
                    String propertyName = PathUtils.getName(path);
                    commit.updateProperty(p, propertyName, value);
                    commit.updatePropertyDiff(p, propertyName, value);
                case '>': {
                    // TODO support moving nodes that were modified within this commit
                    String sourcePath = path;
                    String targetPath = t.readString();
                    if (!PathUtils.isAbsolute(targetPath)) {
                        targetPath = PathUtils.concat(rootPath, targetPath);
                    if (!nodeExists(sourcePath, baseRevId)) {
                        throw new MicroKernelException("Node not found: " + sourcePath + " in revision " + baseRevId);
                    } else if (nodeExists(targetPath, baseRevId)) {
                        throw new MicroKernelException("Node already exists: " + targetPath + " in revision " + baseRevId);
                    commit.moveNode(sourcePath, targetPath);
                    nodeStore.moveNode(sourcePath, targetPath, commit);
                case '*': {
                    // TODO support copying nodes that were modified within this commit
                    String sourcePath = path;
                    String targetPath = t.readString();
                    if (!PathUtils.isAbsolute(targetPath)) {
                        targetPath = PathUtils.concat(rootPath, targetPath);
                    if (!nodeExists(sourcePath, baseRevId)) {
                        throw new MicroKernelException("Node not found: " + sourcePath + " in revision " + baseRevId);
                    } else if (nodeExists(targetPath, baseRevId)) {
                        throw new MicroKernelException("Node already exists: " + targetPath + " in revision " + baseRevId);
                    commit.copyNode(sourcePath, targetPath);
                    nodeStore.copyNode(sourcePath, targetPath, commit);
                    throw new MicroKernelException("token: " + (char) t.getTokenType());

    private static void parseAddNode(Commit commit, JsopReader t, String path) {
        Node n = new Node(path, commit.getRevision());
        if (!t.matches('}')) {
            do {
                String key = t.readString();
                if (t.matches('{')) {
                    String childPath = PathUtils.concat(path, key);
                    parseAddNode(commit, t, childPath);
                } else {
                    String value = t.readRawValue().trim();
                    n.setProperty(key, value);
            } while (t.matches(','));

     * A (cached) result of the diff operation.
    private static class Diff implements CacheValue {

        final String diff;

        Diff(String diff) {
            this.diff = diff;

        public int getMemory() {
            return diff.length() * 2;


    //----------------------------< Builder >-----------------------------------

     * A builder for a MongoMK instance.
    public static class Builder {
        private static final long DEFAULT_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
        private MongoNodeStore nodeStore;
        private DocumentStore documentStore;
        private BlobStore blobStore;
        private int clusterId  = Integer.getInteger("oak.mongoMK.clusterId", 0);
        private int asyncDelay = 1000;
        private boolean timing;
        private boolean logging;
        private Weigher<String, CacheValue> weigher = new EmpiricalWeigher();
        private long nodeCacheSize;
        private long childrenCacheSize;
        private long diffCacheSize;
        private long documentCacheSize;
        private long docChildrenCacheSize;
        private boolean useSimpleRevision;
        private long splitDocumentAgeMillis = 5 * 60 * 1000;

        public Builder() {

         * Set the MongoDB connection to use. By default an in-memory store is used.
         * @param db the MongoDB connection
         * @return this
        public Builder setMongoDB(DB db) {
            if (db != null) {
                this.documentStore = new MongoDocumentStore(db, this);
                this.blobStore = new MongoBlobStore(db);
            return this;

         * Sets a JDBC connection to use. By default an in-memory store is used.
         * @return this
        public Builder setMongoJDBC(String jdbcurl, String username, String password) {
            // TODO maybe we need different connections for document store and node store
            this.documentStore = new SQLDocumentStore(jdbcurl, username, password);
            this.blobStore = new SQLBlobStore(jdbcurl, username, password);
            return this;

         * Use the timing document store wrapper.
         * @param timing whether to use the timing wrapper.
         * @return this
        public Builder setTiming(boolean timing) {
            this.timing = timing;
            return this;

        public boolean getTiming() {
            return timing;

        public Builder setLogging(boolean logging) {
            this.logging = logging;
            return this;

        public boolean getLogging() {
            return logging;

         * Set the document store to use. By default an in-memory store is used.
         * @param documentStore the document store
         * @return this
        public Builder setDocumentStore(DocumentStore documentStore) {
            this.documentStore = documentStore;
            return this;
        public DocumentStore getDocumentStore() {
            if (documentStore == null) {
                documentStore = new MemoryDocumentStore();
            return documentStore;

        public MongoNodeStore getNodeStore() {
            if (nodeStore == null) {
                nodeStore = new MongoNodeStore(this);
            return nodeStore;

         * Set the blob store to use. By default an in-memory store is used.
         * @param blobStore the blob store
         * @return this
        public Builder setBlobStore(BlobStore blobStore) {
            this.blobStore = blobStore;
            return this;

        public BlobStore getBlobStore() {
            if (blobStore == null) {
                blobStore = new MemoryBlobStore();
            return blobStore;

         * Set the cluster id to use. By default, 0 is used, meaning the cluster
         * id is automatically generated.
         * @param clusterId the cluster id
         * @return this
        public Builder setClusterId(int clusterId) {
            this.clusterId = clusterId;
            return this;
        public int getClusterId() {
            return clusterId;
         * Set the maximum delay to write the last revision to the root node. By
         * default 1000 (meaning 1 second) is used.
         * @param asyncDelay in milliseconds
         * @return this
        public Builder setAsyncDelay(int asyncDelay) {
            this.asyncDelay = asyncDelay;
            return this;
        public int getAsyncDelay() {
            return asyncDelay;

        public Weigher<String, CacheValue> getWeigher() {
            return weigher;

        public Builder withWeigher(Weigher<String, CacheValue> weigher) {
            this.weigher = weigher;
            return this;

        public Builder memoryCacheSize(long memoryCacheSize) {
            this.nodeCacheSize = memoryCacheSize * 20 / 100;
            this.childrenCacheSize = memoryCacheSize * 10 / 100;
            this.diffCacheSize = memoryCacheSize * 2 / 100;
            this.docChildrenCacheSize = memoryCacheSize * 3 / 100;
            this.documentCacheSize = memoryCacheSize - nodeCacheSize - childrenCacheSize - diffCacheSize - docChildrenCacheSize;
            return this;

        public long getNodeCacheSize() {
            return nodeCacheSize;

        public long getChildrenCacheSize() {
            return childrenCacheSize;

        public long getDocumentCacheSize() {
            return documentCacheSize;

        public long getDocChildrenCacheSize() {
            return docChildrenCacheSize;

        public long getDiffCacheSize() {
            return diffCacheSize;

        public Builder setUseSimpleRevision(boolean useSimpleRevision) {
            this.useSimpleRevision = useSimpleRevision;
            return this;

        public boolean isUseSimpleRevision() {
            return useSimpleRevision;
        public Builder setSplitDocumentAgeMillis(long splitDocumentAgeMillis) {
            this.splitDocumentAgeMillis = splitDocumentAgeMillis;
            return this;
        public long getSplitDocumentAgeMillis() {
            return splitDocumentAgeMillis;

         * Open the MongoMK instance using the configured options.
         * @return the MongoMK instance
        public MongoMK open() {
            return new MongoMK(this);
         * Create a cache.
         * @param <V> the value type
         * @param maxWeight
         * @return the cache
        public <V extends CacheValue> Cache<String, V> buildCache(long maxWeight) {
            if (LIRS_CACHE) {
                return CacheLIRS.newBuilder().weigher(weigher).
            return CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weigher(weigher).


Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.mongomk.MongoMK$Diff

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