Package org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent

Source Code of org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent.AbstractContinuumTest

package org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import org.apache.continuum.web.test.ConfigurationTest;
import org.testng.Assert;

* Based on AbstractContinuumTestCase of Emmanuel Venisse test.
* @author José Morales Martínez
* @version $Id$
public abstract class AbstractContinuumTest
    extends AbstractSeleniumTest

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Create Admin User
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void assertCreateAdmin()
        assertPage( "Create Admin User" );
        assertTextPresent( "Username" );
        assertFieldValue( "admin", "user.username" );
        assertTextPresent( "Full Name*" );
        assertElementPresent( "user.fullName" );
        assertTextPresent( "Email Address*" );
        assertElementPresent( "" );
        assertTextPresent( "Password*" );
        assertElementPresent( "user.password" );
        assertTextPresent( "Confirm Password*" );
        assertElementPresent( "user.confirmPassword" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Create Admin" );

    public void submitAdminData(String fullname,String email,String password )
        setFieldValue( "user.fullName", fullname );
        setFieldValue( "", email );
        setFieldValue( "user.password", password );
        setFieldValue( "user.confirmPassword", password );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // About
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void goToAboutPage()
        getSelenium().open( baseUrl );
        clickLinkWithText( "About" );

    public void assertAboutPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - About" );
        assertTextPresent( "About Continuum" );
        assertTextPresent( "Version:" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Login
    // ////////////////////////////////////

    public void goToLoginPage()
        getSelenium().open( baseUrl );
        clickLinkWithText( "Login" );

    public void assertLoginPage()
        assertPage( "Login Page" );
        assertTextPresent( "Login" );
        assertTextPresent( "Register" );
        assertTextPresent( "Username" );
        assertElementPresent( "username" );
        assertTextPresent( "Password" );
        assertElementPresent( "password" );
        assertTextPresent( "Remember Me" );
        assertElementPresent( "rememberMe" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Login" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Cancel" );
        assertTextPresent( "Need an Account? Register!" );
        assertTextPresent( "Forgot your Password? Request a password reset." );

    public void submitUserData(String username,String password,boolean rememberme,boolean success )

        setFieldValue( "username", username );
        setFieldValue( "password", password );
        if ( rememberme )
            checkField( "rememberMe" );
        if ( success )
            assertAutenticatedPage( username );

    public void assertAutenticatedPage(String username )
        assertTextPresent( "Current User" );
        assertTextPresent( "Edit Details" );
        assertTextPresent( "Logout" );
        assertTextNotPresent( "Login" );
        assertTextPresent( username );

    public void assertChangePasswordPage()
        assertPage( "Change Password" );
        assertTextPresent( "Change Password" );
        assertTextPresent( "Existing Password*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "existingPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "New Password*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "newPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "Confirm New Password*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "newPasswordConfirm" );

    public void assertUserEditPage( String username, String name, String email )
        assertPage( "[Admin] User Edit" );
        assertTextPresent( "[Admin] User Edit" );
        assertTextPresent( "Username" );
        assertTextPresent( username );
        assertTextPresent( "Full Name*:" );
        assertFieldValue( name, "userEditForm_user_fullName" );
        assertTextPresent( "Email Address*:" );
        assertFieldValue( email, "userEditForm_user_email" );
        assertTextPresent( "Password*:" );
        assertFieldValue( "", "userEditForm_user_password" );
        assertTextPresent( "Confirm Password*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "userEditForm_user_confirmPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "Account Creation:" );
        assertTextPresent( "Last Password Change:" );
        assertTextPresent( "Effective Roles" );
        assertLinkPresent( "Edit Roles" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Configuration
    // ////////////////////////////////////

    public void assertEditConfigurationPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - Configuration" );
        assertTextPresent( "General Configuration " );
        assertTextPresent( "Working Directory" );
        assertElementPresent( "workingDirectory" );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Output Directory" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildOutputDirectory" );
        assertTextPresent( "Release Output Directory" );
        assertElementPresent( "releaseOutputDirectory" );
        assertTextPresent( "Deployment Repository Directory" );
        assertElementPresent( "deploymentRepositoryDirectory" );
        assertTextPresent( "Base URL" );
        assertElementPresent( "baseUrl" );
        assertTextPresent( "Number of Allowed Builds in Parallel" );
        assertElementPresent( "numberOfAllowedBuildsinParallel" );
        assertTextPresent( "Enable Distributed Builds" );
        assertElementPresent( "distributedBuildEnabled" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Save" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Cancel" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Build Queue
    // ////////////////////////////////////

    public void setMaxBuildQueue(int maxBuildQueue )
        clickLinkWithText( "Configuration" );
        setFieldValue( "numberOfAllowedBuildsinParallel", String.valueOf( maxBuildQueue ) );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Project Groups
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void goToProjectGroupsSummaryPage()
        throws Exception
        getSelenium().open( "/continuum/groupSummary.action" );


    public void assertProjectGroupsSummaryPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - Group Summary" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Groups" );

        if ( isTextPresent( "Project Groups list is empty." ) )
            assertTextNotPresent( "Name" );
            assertTextNotPresent( "Group Id" );
            assertTextPresent( "Name" );
            assertTextPresent( "Group Id" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Project Group
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void showProjectGroup(String name,String groupId,String description )
        throws Exception

        // Checks the link to the created Project Group
        assertLinkPresent( name );
        clickLinkWithText( name );

        assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( name, groupId, description );

    public void assertProjectGroupSummaryPage(String name,String groupId,String description )
        assertPage( "Continuum - Project Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Name" );
        assertTextPresent( name );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Id" );
        assertTextPresent( groupId );
        assertTextPresent( "Description" );
        assertTextPresent( description );

        // Assert the available Project Group Actions
        assertTextPresent( "Group Actions" );
        assertElementPresent( "build" );
        assertElementPresent( "edit" );
        // assertElementPresent( "remove" );

        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Scm Root" );
        assertTextPresent( "Scm Root URL" );

        if ( isTextPresent( "Member Projects" ) )
            assertTextPresent( "Project Name" );
            assertTextPresent( "Version" );
            assertTextPresent( "Build" );
            assertTextNotPresent( "Project Name" );

    public void addProjectGroup(String name,String groupId,String description,boolean success )
        throws Exception

        // Go to Add Project Group Page
        clickButtonWithValue( "Add Project Group" );

        // Enter values into Add Project Group fields, and submit
        setFieldValue( "name", name );
        setFieldValue( "groupId", groupId );
        setFieldValue( "description", description );

        if ( success )

    public void assertAddProjectGroupPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - Add Project Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Add Project Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Name" );
        assertElementPresent( "name" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Id" );
        assertElementPresent( "groupId" );
        assertTextPresent( "Description" );
        assertElementPresent( "description" );

    public void removeProjectGroup(String name,String groupId,String description )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( name, groupId, description );
        // Remove
        clickLinkWithLocator( "remove" );
        // Assert Confirmation
        assertElementPresent( "removeProjectGroup_" );
        assertElementPresent( "Cancel" );
        // Confirm Project Group deletion
        clickButtonWithValue( "Save" );
    public void removeProjectGroup( String groupName )
        throws Exception
        clickLinkWithText( groupName );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Delete Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Removal" );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Delete" );

    public void editProjectGroup(String name,String groupId,String description,String newName,String newDescription )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( name, groupId, description );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Edit" );
        assertEditGroupPage( groupId );
        setFieldValue( "name", newName );
        setFieldValue( "description", newDescription );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Save" );

    public void assertEditGroupPage(String groupId )
        throws Exception
        assertPage( "Continuum - Update Project Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Update Project Group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Name" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Id" );
        assertTextPresent( groupId );
        assertTextPresent( "Description" );
        assertTextPresent( "Homepage Url" );
        assertTextPresent( "Local Repository" );
        assertElementPresent( "saveProjectGroup_" );
        assertElementPresent( "Cancel" );

    public void buildProjectGroup(String projectGroupName,String groupId,String description,String projectName )
        throws Exception
        int currentIt = 1;
        int maxIt = 10;
        showProjectGroup( projectGroupName, groupId, description );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Build all projects" );

        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

        while ( isElementPresent( "//img[@alt='Building']" ) || isElementPresent( "//img[@alt='Updating']" ) )
            Thread.sleep( 10000 );
            if ( currentIt > maxIt )
       "Timeout, Can't build project group" );

        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        clickLinkWithText( projectName );
        clickLinkWithText( "Builds" );
        clickLinkWithText( "Result" );
        assertTextPresent( "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" );
        clickLinkWithText( "Project Group Summary" );

    public void assertReleaseSuccess()
        assertTextPresent( "Choose Release Goal for " );
        assertTextPresent( "Prepare project for release " );
        assertTextPresent( "Perform project release" );
        assertElementPresent( "goal" );
        assertElementPresent( "preparedReleaseId" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Submit" );

    public void addValidM2ProjectFromProjectGroup(String projectGroupName,String groupId,String description,
                                                  String m2PomUrl )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( projectGroupName, groupId, description );
        selectValue( "projectTypes", "Add M2 Project" );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
        setFieldValue( "m2PomUrl", m2PomUrl );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
        // if success redirect to summary page

    public void goToGroupBuildDefinitionPage(String projectGroupName,String groupId,String description )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( projectGroupName, groupId, description );
        clickLinkWithText( "Build Definitions" );
        assertGroupBuildDefinitionPage( projectGroupName );

    public void assertGroupBuildDefinitionPage(String projectGroupName )
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Build Definitions of " + projectGroupName + " group" );

    public void assertDeleteBuildDefinitionPage(String description,String goals )
        assertTextPresent( "Are you sure you want to delete the build definition with description \"" + description
            + "\", goals \"" + goals + "\" and id" );
        isButtonWithValuePresent( "Cancel" );
        isButtonWithValuePresent( "Delete" );

    public void assertAddEditBuildDefinitionPage()
        assertTextPresent( "Add/Edit Build Definition" );
        assertTextPresent( "POM filename*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildFile" );
        assertTextPresent( "Goals:" );
        assertElementPresent( "goals" );
        assertTextPresent( "Arguments:" );
        assertElementPresent( "arguments" );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Fresh" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildFresh" );
        assertTextPresent( "Always Build" );
        assertElementPresent( "alwaysBuild" );
        assertTextPresent( "Is it default?" );
        assertTextPresent( "Schedule:" );
        assertElementPresent( "scheduleId" );
        assertTextPresent( "Description" );
        assertElementPresent( "description" );
        assertTextPresent( "Type" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildDefinitionType" );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Environment" );
        assertElementPresent( "profileId" );

    public void addEditGroupBuildDefinition(String groupName,String buildFile,String goals,String arguments,
                                            String description,boolean buildFresh,boolean alwaysBuild,
                                            boolean isDefault )
        // Enter values into Add Build Definition fields, and submit
        setFieldValue( "buildFile", buildFile );
        setFieldValue( "goals", goals );
        setFieldValue( "arguments", arguments );
        setFieldValue( "description", description );

        if ( buildFresh )
            checkField( "buildFresh" );
            uncheckField( "buildFresh" );
        if ( isElementPresent( "defaultBuildDefinition" ) )
            if ( isDefault )
                checkField( "defaultBuildDefinition" );
                uncheckField( "defaultBuildDefinition" );
        if ( alwaysBuild )
            checkField( "alwaysBuild" );
            uncheckField( "alwaysBuild" );

        if ( groupName != null )
            assertGroupBuildDefinitionPage( groupName );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // General Project Pages
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void goToEditProjectPage(String projectGroupName,String projectName )
        clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
        clickLinkWithText( projectGroupName );
        clickLinkWithText( projectName );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Edit" );


    public void assertEditProjectPage()
        assertTextPresent( "Update Continuum Project" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Name*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "name" );
        assertTextPresent( "Version*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "version" );
        assertTextPresent( "SCM Url*:" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmUrl" );
        assertTextPresent( "Use SCM Credentials Cache, if available" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmUseCache" );
        assertTextPresent( "SCM Username:" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmUsername" );
        assertTextPresent( "SCM Password:" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "SCM Branch/Tag:" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmTag" );

    public void goToProjectInformationPage(String projectGroupName,String projectName )
        clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
        clickLinkWithText( projectGroupName );
        clickLinkWithText( projectName );


    public void assertProjectInformationPage()
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group Summary" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Information" );
        assertTextPresent( "Builds" );
        assertTextPresent( "Working Copy" );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Definitions" );
        assertTextPresent( "Notifiers" );
        assertTextPresent( "Dependencies" );
        assertTextPresent( "Developers" );

    public void moveProjectToProjectGroup(String groupName,String groupId,String groupDescription,
                                          String projectName,String newProjectGroup )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( groupName, groupId, groupDescription );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Edit" );

        assertTextPresent( "Move to Group" );
        String xPath = "//preceding::th/label[contains(text(),'" + projectName + "')]//following::select";
        selectValue( xPath, newProjectGroup );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Save" );
        assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( groupName, groupId, groupDescription );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Maven 2.0.x Project
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void goToAddMavenTwoProjectPage()
        clickLinkWithText( "Maven 2.0.x Project" );


    public void assertAddMavenTwoProjectPage()
        assertTextPresent( "POM Url" );
        assertElementPresent( "m2PomUrl" );
        assertTextPresent( "Username" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmUsername" );
        assertTextPresent( "Password" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "Upload POM" );
        assertElementPresent( "m2PomFile" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group" );
        assertElementPresent( "selectedProjectGroup" );

    public void addMavenTwoProject(String pomUrl,String username,String password,String projectGroup,
                                   boolean success )
        throws Exception

        // Enter values into Add Maven Two Project fields, and submit
        setFieldValue( "m2PomUrl", pomUrl );
        setFieldValue( "scmUsername", username );
        setFieldValue( "scmPassword", password );

        if ( projectGroup != null )
            selectValue( "addMavenTwoProject_selectedProjectGroup", projectGroup );
        String title;
        if ( success )
            title = "Continuum - Project Group";
            title = "Continuum - Add Maven 2 Project";
        waitAddProject( title );

     * submit the page
     * @param m2PomUrl
     * @param validPom
    public void submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage(String m2PomUrl,boolean validPom )
        throws Exception
        addMavenTwoProject( m2PomUrl, "", "", null, validPom );

        if ( validPom )
            assertTextPresent( "Default Project Group" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // Maven 1.x Project
    // ////////////////////////////////////
    public void goToAddMavenOneProjectPage()
        clickLinkWithText( "Maven 1.x Project" );

    public void assertAddMavenOneProjectPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - Add Maven 1 Project" );
        assertTextPresent( "Add Maven 1.x Project" );
        assertTextPresent( "M1 POM Url" );
        assertElementPresent( "m1PomUrl" );
        assertTextPresent( "Username" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmUsername" );
        assertTextPresent( "Password" );
        assertElementPresent( "scmPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "OR" );
        assertTextPresent( "Upload POM" );
        assertElementPresent( "m1PomFile" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group" );
        assertElementPresent( "selectedProjectGroup" );
        assertOptionPresent( "selectedProjectGroup", new String[] { "Defined by POM", "Default Project Group" } );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Definition Template" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildDefinitionTemplateId" );
        assertOptionPresent( "buildDefinitionTemplateId", new String[] { "Default", "Default Ant Template",
            "Default Maven 1 Template", "Default Maven 2 Template", "Default Shell Template" } );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Add" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Cancel" );

    public void addMavenOneProject(String pomUrl,String username,String password,String projectGroup,
                                   String buildTemplate,boolean success )
        throws Exception
        setFieldValue( "m1PomUrl", pomUrl );
        setFieldValue( "scmUsername", username );
        setFieldValue( "scmPassword", password );

        if ( buildTemplate != null )
            selectValue( "buildDefinitionTemplateId", buildTemplate );
        if ( projectGroup != null )
            selectValue( "selectedProjectGroup", projectGroup );
        String title;
        if ( success )
            title = "Continuum - Project Group";
            title = "Continuum - Add Maven 1 Project";
        waitAddProject( title );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // ANT/SHELL Projects
    // ////////////////////////////////////

    public void goToAddAntProjectPage()
        clickLinkWithText( "Ant Project" );
        assertAddProjectPage( "ant" );

    public void goToAddShellProjectPage()
        clickLinkWithText( "Shell Project" );
        assertAddProjectPage( "shell" );

    public void assertAddProjectPage(String type )
        String title = type.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + type.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase();
        assertPage( "Continuum - Add " + title + " Project" );
        assertTextPresent( "Add " + title + " Project" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Name" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectName" );
        assertTextPresent( "Description" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectDescription" );
        assertTextPresent( "Version" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectVersion" );
        assertTextPresent( "Scm Url" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectScmUrl" );
        assertLinkPresent( "Maven SCM URL" );
        assertTextPresent( "Scm Username" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectScmUsername" );
        assertTextPresent( "Scm Password" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectScmPassword" );
        assertTextPresent( "Scm Branch/Tag" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectScmTag" );
        assertTextPresent( "Use SCM Credentials Cache, if available" );
        assertElementPresent( "projectScmUseCache" );
        assertTextPresent( "Project Group" );
        assertElementPresent( "selectedProjectGroup" );
        assertOptionPresent( "selectedProjectGroup", new String[] { "Default Project Group" } );
        assertTextPresent( "Build Definition Template" );
        assertElementPresent( "buildDefinitionTemplateId" );
        assertOptionPresent( "buildDefinitionTemplateId", new String[] { "Default", "Default Ant Template",
            "Default Maven 1 Template", "Default Maven 2 Template", "Default Shell Template" } );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Add" );
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Cancel" );

    public void addProject(String name,String description,String version,String scmUrl,String scmUser,
                           String scmPassword,String scmTag,boolean useCache,String projectGroup,
                           String buildTemplate,boolean success,String type )
        throws Exception
        setFieldValue( "projectName", name );
        setFieldValue( "projectDescription", description );
        setFieldValue( "projectVersion", version );
        setFieldValue( "projectScmUrl", scmUrl );
        setFieldValue( "projectScmUsername", scmUser );
        setFieldValue( "projectScmPassword", scmPassword );
        setFieldValue( "projectScmTag", scmTag );
        if ( useCache )
            checkField( "projectScmUseCache" );
        if ( buildTemplate != null )
            selectValue( "buildDefinitionTemplateId", buildTemplate );
        if ( projectGroup != null )
            selectValue( "selectedProjectGroup", projectGroup );
        String title;
        type = type.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + type.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase();
        if ( success )
            title = "Continuum - Project Group";
            title = "Continuum - Add " + type + " Project";
        waitAddProject( title );

    public void waitAddProject(String title )
        throws Exception
        // the "adding project" interstitial page has an empty title, so we wait for a real title to appear
        String condition = "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.title.replace(/^\\s*/, \"\").replace(/\\s*$/, \"\") != '' && selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('footer') != null";
        getSelenium().waitForCondition( condition, maxWaitTimeInMs );
        Assert.assertEquals( getTitle(), title );

    public void createAndAddUserAsDeveloperToGroup( String username, String name, String email, String password, String groupName )
        clickLinkWithText( "Users" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User List" );
        assertTextNotPresent( username );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Create New User" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User Create" );
        setFieldValue( "user.fullName", name );
        setFieldValue( "user.username", username );
        setFieldValue( "", email );
        setFieldValue( "user.password", password );
        setFieldValue( "user.confirmPassword", password );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Create User" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User Edit" );
        assignContinuumResourceRoleToUser( "Project Developer", groupName );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User List" );
        assertTextPresent( username );
        assertTextPresent( name );
        assertTextPresent( email );

    public void showMembers( String name, String groupId, String description )
        throws Exception
        showProjectGroup( name, groupId, description );
        clickLinkWithText( "Members" );
        assertTextPresent( "Member Projects of " + name + " group" );
        assertTextPresent( "Users" );

    public void assertUserPresent( String username, String name, String email )
        assertTextPresent( username );
        assertTextPresent( name );
        assertTextPresent( email );

    public void assertUserNotPresent( String username, String name, String email )
        assertTextNotPresent( username );
        assertTextNotPresent( name );
        assertTextNotPresent( email );

    public void waitForProjectCheckout()
        throws Exception
        int currentIt = 1;
        int maxIt = 10;
        while ( isElementPresent( "//img[@alt='Checking Out']" ) )
            Thread.sleep( 10000 );
            if ( currentIt > maxIt )
       "Timeout, Can't check out projects" );

    public void createNewUser( String username, String name, String email, String password )
        clickLinkWithText( "Users" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User List" );
        assertTextNotPresent( username );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Create New User" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User Create" );
        setFieldValue( "user.fullName", name );
        setFieldValue( "user.username", username );
        setFieldValue( "", email );
        setFieldValue( "user.password", password );
        setFieldValue( "user.confirmPassword", password );
        clickButtonWithValue( "Create User" );
        assertPage( "[Admin] User Edit" );

    public void assignContinuumRoleToUser( String role )
        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@id='addRolesToUser_addNDSelectedRoles' and @name='addNDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + role + "']", false );

    public void assignContinuumResourceRoleToUser( String resourceRole, String groupName )
        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@name='addDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + resourceRole + " - " + groupName + "']", false );

    public void assertUserCreatedPage()
        assertPage( "[Admin] User List" );
        assertTextPresent( "[Admin] List of Users in Role: Any" );
        assertLinkPresent( "admin" );
        assertLinkPresent( "guest" );

    public void removeDefaultBuildDefinitionFromTemplate( String type )
        goToEditBuildDefinitionTemplate( type );
        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@value='<-']", false );

    public void addDefaultBuildDefinitionFromTemplate( String type )
        goToEditBuildDefinitionTemplate( type );

        if ( "maven2".equals( type ) )
            selectForOption( "saveBuildDefinitionTemplate_buildDefinitionIds", "Default Maven 2 Build Definition" );
        else if ( "maven1".equals( type ) )
        else if ( "ant".equals( type ) )

        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@value='->']", false );

    public void goToEditBuildDefinitionTemplate( String type )
        clickLinkWithText( "Build Definition Templates" );


        if ( "maven2".equals( type ) )
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//table[@id='ec_table']/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/a/img", true );
        else if ( "maven1".equals( type ) )
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//table[@id='ec_table']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/a/img", true );
        else if ( "ant".equals( type ) )
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//img[@alt='Edit']", true );
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//table[@id='ec_table']/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]/a/img", true );

        assertPage( "Continuum - Build Definition Template" );

    public void assertBuildDefinitionTemplatesPage()
        assertPage( "Continuum - Build Definition Templates" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Ant Template" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Maven 1 Template" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Maven 2 Template" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Shell Template" );
        assertTextPresent( "Available Build Definitions" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Ant Build Definition" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Maven 1 Build Definition" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Maven 2 Build Definition" );
        assertTextPresent( "Default Shell Build Definition" );

    // ////////////////////////////////////
    // ////////////////////////////////////

    public void enableDistributedBuilds()
        ConfigurationTest config = new ConfigurationTest();
        setFieldValue( "numberOfAllowedBuildsinParallel", "2" );
        if ( !isChecked( "configuration_distributedBuildEnabled" ) )
            checkField( "configuration_distributedBuildEnabled" );
        clickAndWait( "configuration_" );
        assertTextPresent( "true" );
        assertTextPresent( "Distributed Builds" );
        assertElementPresent( "link=Build Agents" );

    public void disableDistributedBuilds()
        ConfigurationTest config = new ConfigurationTest();
        setFieldValue( "numberOfAllowedBuildsinParallel", "2" );
        if ( isChecked( "configuration_distributedBuildEnabled" ) )
            uncheckField( "configuration_distributedBuildEnabled" );
        assertTextPresent( "false" );
        assertElementNotPresent( "link=Build Agents" );

    public void goToBuildAgentPage()
        clickAndWait("link=Build Agents");
        assertPage("Continuum - Build Agents");

Related Classes of org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent.AbstractContinuumTest

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