Package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile

Source Code of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.UpdateNode


   Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.UpdateNode

   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


package  org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.DefaultInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;

import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ActivationClassBuilder;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.Authorizer;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.C_NodeTypes;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.FKInfo;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.CheckConstraintDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.GenericDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TriggerDescriptor;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ConstantAction;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.CursorResultSet;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecPreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultSet;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StatementType;


import org.apache.derby.vti.DeferModification;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ClassName;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.ReuseFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Vector;

* An UpdateNode represents an UPDATE statement.  It is the top node of the
* query tree for that statement.
* For positioned update, there may be no from table specified.
* The from table will be derived from the cursor specification of
* the named cursor.

public final class UpdateNode extends DMLModStatementNode
  //Note: These are public so they will be visible to
  //the RepUpdateNode.
  public int[]        changedColumnIds;
  public ExecRow        emptyHeapRow;
  public boolean        deferred;
  public ValueNode      checkConstraints;
  public FKInfo        fkInfo;
  protected FromTable      targetTable;
  protected FormatableBitSet       readColsBitSet;
  protected boolean       positionedUpdate;

  /* Column name for the RowLocation in the ResultSet */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME = "###RowLocationToUpdate";

   * Initializer for an UpdateNode.
   * @param targetTableName  The name of the table to update
   * @param resultSet    The ResultSet that will generate
   *        the rows to update from the given table

  public void init(
         Object targetTableName,
         Object resultSet)
    this.targetTableName = (TableName) targetTableName;

   * Convert this object to a String.  See comments in
   * for how this should be done for tree printing.
   * @return  This object as a String

  public String toString()
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      return targetTableName.toString() + "\n" +
      return "";

  public String statementToString()
    return "UPDATE";

   * Prints the sub-nodes of this object.  See for
   * how tree printing is supposed to work.
   * @param depth    The depth of this node in the tree

  public void printSubNodes(int depth)
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)

      if (targetTableName != null)
        printLabel(depth, "targetTableName: ");
        targetTableName.treePrint(depth + 1);

      /* RESOLVE - need to print out targetTableDescriptor */

   * Bind this UpdateNode.  This means looking up tables and columns and
   * getting their types, and figuring out the result types of all
   * expressions, as well as doing view resolution, permissions checking,
   * etc.
   * <p>
   * Binding an update will also massage the tree so that
   * the ResultSetNode has a set of columns to contain the old row
   * value, followed by a set of columns to contain the new row
   * value, followed by a column to contain the RowLocation of the
   * row to be updated.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error

  public void bindStatement() throws StandardException
    // We just need select privilege on the expressions
    getCompilerContext().pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV);

    FromList  fromList = (FromList) getNodeFactory().getNode(
    ResultColumn        rowLocationColumn = null;
    ValueNode                rowLocationNode = null;
    TableName          cursorTargetTableName = null;
    CurrentOfNode           currentOfNode = null;
    FromList          resultFromList;
    ResultColumnList      afterColumns = null;

    DataDictionary dataDictionary = getDataDictionary();

    // check if targetTable is a synonym
    if (targetTableName != null)
      TableName synonymTab = resolveTableToSynonym(this.targetTableName);
      if (synonymTab != null)
        this.synonymTableName = targetTableName;
        this.targetTableName  = synonymTab;


    // wait to bind named target table until the cursor
    // binding is done, so that we can get it from the
    // cursor if this is a positioned update.

    // for positioned update, get the cursor's target table.
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT((resultSet!=null && resultSet instanceof SelectNode),
        "Update must have a select result set");

    SelectNode sel;
    sel = (SelectNode)resultSet;
    targetTable = (FromTable) sel.fromList.elementAt(0);

    if (targetTable instanceof CurrentOfNode)
      positionedUpdate = true;
      currentOfNode = (CurrentOfNode) targetTable;
      cursorTargetTableName = currentOfNode.getBaseCursorTargetTableName();

      // instead of an assert, we might say the cursor is not updatable.
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        SanityManager.ASSERT(cursorTargetTableName != null);

    if (targetTable instanceof FromVTI)
      targetVTI = (FromVTI) targetTable;
      // positioned update can leave off the target table.
      // we get it from the cursor supplying the position.
      if (targetTableName == null)
        // verify we have current of
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)

        targetTableName = cursorTargetTableName;
      // for positioned update, we need to verify that
      // the named table is the same as the cursor's target.
      else if (cursorTargetTableName != null)
        // this match requires that the named table in the update
        // be the same as a correlation name in the cursor.
        if ( !targetTableName.equals(cursorTargetTableName))
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_CURSOR_UPDATE_MISMATCH,
    // because we verified that the tables match
    // and we already bound the cursor or the select,
    // the table descriptor should always be found.
    /* OVERVIEW - We generate a new ResultColumn, CurrentRowLocation(), and
     * prepend it to the beginning of the source ResultColumnList.  This
     * will tell us which row(s) to update at execution time.  However,
     * we must defer prepending this generated column until the other
     * ResultColumns are bound since there will be no ColumnDescriptor
     * for the generated column.  Thus, the sequence of actions is:
     *    o  Bind existing ResultColumnList (columns in SET clause)
     *    o  If this is a positioned update with a FOR UPDATE OF list,
     *       then verify that all of the target columns are in the
     *       FOR UPDATE OF list.
     *    o  Get the list of indexes that need to be updated.
     *    o  Create a ResultColumnList of all the columns in the target
     *       table - this represents the old row.
     *    o  If we don't know which columns are being updated,
      *       expand the original ResultColumnList to include all the
     *       columns in the target table, and sort it to be in the
     *       order of the columns in the target table.  This represents
     *       the new row.  Append it to the ResultColumnList representing
     *       the old row.
     *    o  Construct the changedColumnIds array sorted by column position.
     *    o  Generate the read column bit map and append any columns
     *       needed for index maint, etc.
     *    o  Generate a new ResultColumn for CurrentRowLocation() and
     *       mark it as a generated column.
     *    o  Append the new ResultColumn to the ResultColumnList
     *       (This must be done before binding the expressions, so
     *       that the proper type info gets propagated to the new
     *       ResultColumn.)
     *    o  Bind the expressions.
     *    o  Bind the generated ResultColumn.

    /* Verify that all underlying ResultSets reclaimed their FromList */
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT(fromList.size() == 0,
        "fromList.size() is expected to be 0, not " +
        fromList.size() +
        " on return from RS.bindExpressions()");

        // Add generated columns whose generation clauses mention columns
        // in the user's original update list.
        ColumnDescriptorList    addedGeneratedColumns = new ColumnDescriptorList();
        ColumnDescriptorList    affectedGeneratedColumns = new ColumnDescriptorList();
            ( targetTableDescriptor, resultSet, affectedGeneratedColumns, addedGeneratedColumns );
    ** The current result column list is the one supplied by the user.
    ** Mark these columns as "updated", so we can tell later which
    ** columns are really being updated, and which have been added
    ** but are not really being updated.

    /* Prepend CurrentRowLocation() to the select's result column list. */
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
    SanityManager.ASSERT((resultSet.resultColumns != null)
                "resultColumns is expected not to be null at bind time");

    ** Get the result FromTable, which should be the only table in the
     ** from list.
    resultFromList = resultSet.getFromList();
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
    SanityManager.ASSERT(resultFromList.size() == 1,
      "More than one table in result from list in an update.");

    /* Normalize the SET clause's result column list for synonym */
    if (synonymTableName != null)
      normalizeSynonymColumns( resultSet.resultColumns, targetTable );
    /* Bind the original result columns by column name */
    normalizeCorrelatedColumns( resultSet.resultColumns, targetTable );

    getCompilerContext().pushCurrentPrivType(getPrivType()); // Update privilege
          resultSet.resultColumns, this,

        // don't allow overriding of generation clauses
        forbidGenerationOverrides( resultSet.getResultColumns(),
                   addedGeneratedColumns );
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
    if (lcc.getAutoincrementUpdate() == false)

    ** Mark the columns in this UpdateNode's result column list as
    ** updateable in the ResultColumnList of the table being updated.
    ** only do this for FromBaseTables - if the result table is a
    ** CurrentOfNode, it already knows what columns in its cursor
    ** are updateable.
    boolean allColumns = false;
    if (targetTable instanceof FromBaseTable)
      ((FromBaseTable) targetTable).markUpdated(
    else if (targetTable instanceof FromVTI)
            resultColumnList = resultSet.getResultColumns();
      ** Positioned update: WHERE CURRENT OF
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        SanityManager.ASSERT(currentOfNode != null, "currentOfNode is null");

      ExecPreparedStatement   cursorStmt = currentOfNode.getCursorStatement();
      String[] ucl = cursorStmt.getUpdateColumns();

      ** If there is no update column list, we need to build
      ** out the result column list to have all columns.
      if (ucl == null || (ucl.length == 0))
        ** Get the resultColumnList representing ALL of the columns in the
        ** base table.  This is the "before" portion of the result row.

        ** Add the "after" portion of the result row.  This is the update
        ** list augmented to include every column in the target table.
        ** Those columns that are not being updated are set to themselves.
        ** The expanded list will be in the order of the columns in the base
        ** table.
        afterColumns = resultSet.getResultColumns().expandToAll(
        ** Need to get all indexes here since we aren't calling
        ** getReadMap().
                  (ResultColumnList)null, (FormatableBitSet)null);
        allColumns = true;
        /* Check the updatability */

    changedColumnIds = getChangedColumnIds(resultSet.getResultColumns());

    ** We need to add in all the columns that are needed
    ** by the constraints on this table. 
    if (!allColumns && targetVTI == null)
      getCompilerContext().pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.NULL_PRIV);
        readColsBitSet = new FormatableBitSet();
        FromBaseTable fbt = getResultColumnList(resultSet.getResultColumns());
        afterColumns = resultSet.getResultColumns().copyListAndObjects();

        readColsBitSet = getReadMap(dataDictionary,
                                        afterColumns, affectedGeneratedColumns );

        afterColumns = fbt.addColsToList(afterColumns, readColsBitSet);
        resultColumnList = fbt.addColsToList(resultColumnList, readColsBitSet);

        ** If all bits are set, then behave as if we chose all
        ** in the first place
        int i = 1;
        int size = targetTableDescriptor.getMaxColumnID();
        for (; i <= size; i++)
          if (!readColsBitSet.get(i))

        if (i > size)
          readColsBitSet = null;
          allColumns = true;

    if (targetVTI == null)
      ** Construct an empty heap row for use in our constant action.
      emptyHeapRow = targetTableDescriptor.getEmptyExecRow();

      /* Append the list of "after" columns to the list of "before" columns,
       * preserving the afterColumns list.  (Necessary for binding
       * check constraints.)
      resultColumnList.appendResultColumns(afterColumns, false);

      /* Generate the RowLocation column */
      rowLocationNode = (CurrentRowLocationNode) getNodeFactory().getNode(
      rowLocationNode = (NumericConstantNode) getNodeFactory().getNode(
                                        ReuseFactory.getInteger( 0),
        rowLocationColumn =
          (ResultColumn) getNodeFactory().getNode(

      /* Append to the ResultColumnList */

     * The last thing that we do to the generated RCL is to clear
     * the table name out from each RC. See comment on
     * checkTableNameAndScrubResultColumns().

    /* Set the new result column list in the result set */

    /* Bind the expressions */
    getCompilerContext().pushCurrentPrivType(getPrivType()); // Update privilege

    /* Bind untyped nulls directly under the result columns */

    if (null != rowLocationColumn)
      /* Bind the new ResultColumn */


    /* Insert a NormalizeResultSetNode above the source if the source
     * and target column types and lengths do not match.
    if (! resultColumnList.columnTypesAndLengthsMatch())
      resultSet = (NormalizeResultSetNode) getNodeFactory().getNode(
          resultSet, resultColumnList, null, Boolean.TRUE,
       if (hasCheckConstraints(dataDictionary, targetTableDescriptor) || hasGenerationClauses( targetTableDescriptor ) )
         /* Get and bind all check constraints and generated columns on the columns
          * being updated.  We want to bind the check constraints and
          * generated columns against
          * the after columns.  We need to bind against the portion of the
          * resultColumns in the new NormalizeResultSet that point to
          * afterColumns.  Create an RCL composed of just those RCs in
          * order to bind the check constraints.
         int afterColumnsSize = afterColumns.size();
         afterColumns = (ResultColumnList) getNodeFactory().getNode(
         ResultColumnList normalizedRCs = resultSet.getResultColumns();
         for (int index = 0; index < afterColumnsSize; index++)
           afterColumns.addElement(normalizedRCs.elementAt(index + afterColumnsSize));

        if( null != targetVTI)
            deferred = VTIDeferModPolicy.deferIt( DeferModification.UPDATE_STATEMENT,
        else // not VTI
            /* we always include triggers in core language */
            boolean hasTriggers = (getAllRelevantTriggers(dataDictionary, targetTableDescriptor,
                                                          changedColumnIds, true).size() > 0);

      ResultColumnList sourceRCL = hasTriggers ? resultColumnList : afterColumns;

            /* bind all generation clauses for generated columns */
                ( dataDictionary, targetTableDescriptor, afterColumns, resultColumnList, true, resultSet );

            /* Get and bind all constraints on the columns being updated */
            checkConstraints = bindConstraints( dataDictionary,
                                                true); /* we always include triggers in core language */

            /* If the target table is also a source table, then
             * the update will have to be in deferred mode
             * For updates, this means that the target table appears in a
             * subquery.  Also, self referencing foreign keys are
             * deferred.  And triggers cause an update to be deferred.
            if (resultSet.subqueryReferencesTarget(
                targetTableDescriptor.getName(), true) ||
                deferred = true;


  } // end of bind()

  int getPrivType()
    return Authorizer.UPDATE_PRIV;

   * Return true if the node references SESSION schema tables (temporary or permanent)
   * @return  true if references SESSION schema tables, else false
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public boolean referencesSessionSchema()
    throws StandardException
    //If this node references a SESSION schema table, then return true.


   * Compile constants that Execution will use
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on failure
  public ConstantAction  makeConstantAction() throws StandardException
    ** Updates are also deferred if they update a column in the index
    ** used to scan the table being updated.
    if (! deferred )
      ConglomerateDescriptor updateCD =

      if (updateCD != null && updateCD.isIndex())
        int [] baseColumns =

        if (resultSet.
          deferred = true;

        if( null == targetTableDescriptor)
      /* Return constant action for VTI
       * NOTE: ConstantAction responsible for preserving instantiated
       * VTIs for in-memory queries and for only preserving VTIs
       * that implement Serializable for SPSs.
      return  getGenericConstantActionFactory().getUpdatableVTIConstantAction( DeferModification.UPDATE_STATEMENT,
            deferred, changedColumnIds);

    int lockMode = resultSet.updateTargetLockMode();
    long heapConglomId = targetTableDescriptor.getHeapConglomerateId();
    TransactionController tc =
    StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[] indexSCOCIs =
      new StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo[indexConglomerateNumbers.length];

    for (int index = 0; index < indexSCOCIs.length; index++)
      indexSCOCIs[index] = tc.getStaticCompiledConglomInfo(indexConglomerateNumbers[index]);

    ** Do table locking if the table's lock granularity is
    ** set to table.
    if (targetTableDescriptor.getLockGranularity() == TableDescriptor.TABLE_LOCK_GRANULARITY)
      lockMode = TransactionController.MODE_TABLE;

    return  getGenericConstantActionFactory().getUpdateConstantAction
      ( heapConglomId,
        changedColumnIds, null, null,
        (readColsBitSet == null) ? (FormatableBitSet)null : new FormatableBitSet(readColsBitSet),
        (readColsBitSet == null) ?
          targetTableDescriptor.getNumberOfColumns() :

   * Updates are deferred if they update a column in the index
   * used to scan the table being updated.
  protected void setDeferredForUpdateOfIndexColumn()
    /* Don't bother checking if we're already deferred */
    if (! deferred )
      /* Get the conglomerate descriptor for the target table */
      ConglomerateDescriptor updateCD =

      /* If it an index? */
      if (updateCD != null && updateCD.isIndex())
        int [] baseColumns =

        /* Are any of the index columns updated? */
        if (resultSet.
          deferred = true;

   * Code generation for update.
   * The generated code will contain:
   *    o  A static member for the (xxx)ResultSet with the RowLocations  and
   *       new update values
   *    o  The static member will be assigned the appropriate ResultSet within
   *       the nested calls to get the ResultSets.  (The appropriate cast to the
   *       (xxx)ResultSet will be generated.)
   *    o  The CurrentRowLocation() in SelectNode's select list will generate
   *       a new method for returning the RowLocation as well as a call to
   *       that method when generating the (xxx)ResultSet.
   * @param acb  The ActivationClassBuilder for the class being built
   * @param mb  The method for the execute() method to be built
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public void generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb,
                MethodBuilder mb)
              throws StandardException
    // If the DML is on the temporary table, generate the code to
    // mark temporary table as modified in the current UOW. After
    // DERBY-827 this must be done in execute() since
    // fillResultSet() will only be called once.
    generateCodeForTemporaryTable(acb, acb.getExecuteMethod());

    /* generate the parameters */

    /* Create the static declaration for the scan ResultSet which generates the
     * RowLocations to be updated
     * RESOLVE - Need to deal with the type of the static member.

    ** Generate the update result set, giving it either the original
    ** source or the normalize result set, the constant action.

    resultSet.generate(acb, mb); // arg 1

        if( null != targetVTI)
            mb.callMethod(VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getUpdateVTIResultSet", ClassName.ResultSet, 1);
      // arg 2 generate code to evaluate generation clauses
      generateGenerationClauses( resultColumnList, resultSet.getResultSetNumber(), true, acb, mb );

            // generate code to evaluate CHECK CONSTRAINTS
            generateCheckConstraints( checkConstraints, acb, mb ); // arg 3

                mb.callMethod(VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getDeleteCascadeUpdateResultSet",
                              ClassName.ResultSet, 5);
                mb.callMethod(VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getUpdateResultSet",
                              ClassName.ResultSet, 3);

   * Return the type of statement, something from
   * StatementType.
   * @return the type of statement
  protected final int getStatementType()
    return StatementType.UPDATE;

   * Gets the map of all columns which must be read out of the base table.
   * These are the columns needed to<UL>:
   *    <LI>maintain indices</LI>
   *    <LI>maintain foreign keys</LI>
   *    <LI>maintain generated columns</LI>
   *    <LI>support Replication's Delta Optimization</LI></UL>
   * <p>
   * The returned map is a FormatableBitSet with 1 bit for each column in the
   * table plus an extra, unsued 0-bit. If a 1-based column id must
   * be read from the base table, then the corresponding 1-based bit
   * is turned ON in the returned FormatableBitSet.
   * <p>
   * <B>NOTE</B>: this method is not expected to be called when
   * all columns are being updated (i.e. updateColumnList is null).
   * @param dd        the data dictionary to look in
   * @param baseTable    the base table descriptor
   * @param updateColumnList the rcl for the update. CANNOT BE NULL
   * @param affectedGeneratedColumns columns whose generation clauses mention columns being updated
   * @return a FormatableBitSet of columns to be read out of the base table
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public  FormatableBitSet  getReadMap
    DataDictionary    dd,
    TableDescriptor    baseTable,
    ResultColumnList  updateColumnList,
        ColumnDescriptorList    affectedGeneratedColumns
    throws StandardException
    boolean[]  needsDeferredProcessing = new boolean[1];
    needsDeferredProcessing[0] = requiresDeferredProcessing();

    Vector    conglomVector = new Vector();
    relevantCdl = new ConstraintDescriptorList();
    relevantTriggers =  new GenericDescriptorList();

    FormatableBitSet  columnMap = getUpdateReadMap
             baseTable, updateColumnList, conglomVector, relevantCdl,
             relevantTriggers, needsDeferredProcessing, affectedGeneratedColumns );

    markAffectedIndexes( conglomVector );

    adjustDeferredFlag( needsDeferredProcessing[0] );

    return  columnMap;

   * Construct the changedColumnIds array. Note we sort its entries by
   * columnId.
  private int[] getChangedColumnIds(ResultColumnList rcl)
    if (rcl == null) { return (int[])null; }
    else { return rcl.sortMe(); }
    *  Builds a bitmap of all columns which should be read from the
    *  Store in order to satisfy an UPDATE statement.
    *  Is passed a list of updated columns. Does the following:
    *  1)  finds all indices which overlap the updated columns
    *  2)  adds the index columns to a bitmap of affected columns
    *  3)  adds the index descriptors to a list of conglomerate
    *    descriptors.
    *  4)  finds all constraints which overlap the updated columns
    *    and adds the constrained columns to the bitmap
    *  5)  finds all triggers which overlap the updated columns.
    *  6)  Go through all those triggers from step 5 and for each one of
    *     those triggers, follow the rules below to decide which columns
    *     should be read.
    *       Rule1)If trigger column information is null, then read all the
    *       columns from trigger table into memory irrespective of whether
    *       there is any trigger action column information. 2 egs of such
    *       triggers
    *         create trigger tr1 after update on t1 for each row values(1);
    *         create trigger tr1 after update on t1 referencing old as oldt
    *           for each row insert into t2 values(2,oldt.j,-2);
    *       Rule2)If trigger column information is available but no trigger
    *       action column information is found and no REFERENCES clause is
    *       used for the trigger, then read all the columns identified by
    *       the trigger column. eg
    *         create trigger tr1 after update of c1 on t1
    *           for each row values(1);
    *       Rule3)If trigger column information and trigger action column
    *       information both are not null, then only those columns will be
    *       read into memory. This is possible only for triggers created in
    *       release 10.7 or higher. Because prior to that we did not collect
    *       trigger action column informatoin. eg
    *         create trigger tr1 after update of c1 on t1
    *           referencing old as oldt for each row
    *           insert into t2 values(2,oldt.j,-2);
    *       Rule4)If trigger column information is available but no trigger
    *       action column information is found but REFERENCES clause is used
    *       for the trigger, then read all the columns from the trigger
    *       table. This will cover soft-upgrade and hard-upgrade scenario
    *       for triggers created pre-10.7. This rule prevents us from having
    *       special logic for soft-upgrade. Additionally, this logic makes
    *       invalidation of existing triggers unnecessary during
    *       hard-upgrade. The pre-10.7 created triggers will work just fine
    *       even though for some triggers, they would have trigger action
    *       columns missing. A user can choose to drop and recreate such
    *       triggers to take advantage of Rule 3 which will avoid unnecssary
    *       column reads during trigger execution.
    *       eg trigger created prior to 10.7
    *         create trigger tr1 after update of c1 on t1
    *           referencing old as oldt for each row
    *           insert into t2 values(2,oldt.j,-2);
    *       To reiterate, Rule4) is there to cover triggers created with
    *       pre-10,7 releases but now that database has been
    *       hard/soft-upgraded to 10.7 or higher version. Prior to 10.7,
    *       we did not collect any information about trigger action columns.
    *       Rule5)The only place we will need special code for soft-upgrade
    *       is during trigger creation. If we are in soft-upgrade mode, we
    *       want to make sure that we do not save information about trigger
    *       action columns in SYSTRIGGERS because the releases prior to 10.7
    *       do not understand trigger action column information.
    *  7)  adds the triggers to an evolving list of triggers
    *  8)  finds all generated columns whose generation clauses mention
      *        the updated columns and adds all of the mentioned columns
    *  @param  updateColumnList  a list of updated columns
    *  @param  conglomVector    OUT: vector of affected indices
    *  @param  relevantConstraints  IN/OUT. Empty list is passed in. We hang constraints on it as we go.
    *  @param  relevantTriggers  IN/OUT. Passed in as an empty list. Filled in as we go.
    *  @param  needsDeferredProcessing  IN/OUT. true if the statement already needs
    *                  deferred processing. set while evaluating this
    *                  routine if a trigger or constraint requires
    *                  deferred processing
    *  @param  affectedGeneratedColumns columns whose generation clauses mention updated columns
    * @return a FormatableBitSet of columns to be read out of the base table
    * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public static FormatableBitSet getUpdateReadMap
    TableDescriptor        baseTable,
    ResultColumnList      updateColumnList,
    Vector            conglomVector,
    ConstraintDescriptorList  relevantConstraints,
    GenericDescriptorList    relevantTriggers,
    boolean[]          needsDeferredProcessing,
        ColumnDescriptorList    affectedGeneratedColumns
    throws StandardException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT(updateColumnList != null, "updateColumnList is null");

    int    columnCount = baseTable.getMaxColumnID();
    FormatableBitSet  columnMap = new FormatableBitSet(columnCount + 1);

    ** Add all the changed columns.  We don't strictly
    ** need the before image of the changed column in all cases,
    ** but it makes life much easier since things are set
    ** up around the assumption that we have the before
    ** and after image of the column.
    int[]  changedColumnIds = updateColumnList.sortMe();

    for (int ix = 0; ix < changedColumnIds.length; ix++)

    ** Get a list of the indexes that need to be
    ** updated.  ColumnMap contains all indexed
    ** columns where 1 or more columns in the index
    ** are going to be modified.
    DMLModStatementNode.getXAffectedIndexes(baseTable, updateColumnList, columnMap, conglomVector );
    ** Add all columns needed for constraints.  We don't
    ** need to bother with foreign key/primary key constraints
    ** because they are added as a side effect of adding
    ** their indexes above.
      ( StatementType.UPDATE, false, changedColumnIds, needsDeferredProcessing, relevantConstraints );

    int rclSize = relevantConstraints.size();
    for (int index = 0; index < rclSize; index++)
      ConstraintDescriptor cd = relevantConstraints.elementAt(index);
      if (cd.getConstraintType() != DataDictionary.CHECK_CONSTRAINT)

      int[] refColumns = ((CheckConstraintDescriptor)cd).getReferencedColumns();
      for (int i = 0; i < refColumns.length; i++)

        // Add all columns mentioned by generation clauses which are affected
        // by the columns being updated.
        addGeneratedColumnPrecursors( baseTable, affectedGeneratedColumns, columnMap );
     * If we have any UPDATE triggers, then we will follow the 4 rules
     * mentioned in the comments at the method level.
    baseTable.getAllRelevantTriggers( StatementType.UPDATE, changedColumnIds, relevantTriggers );

    if (relevantTriggers.size() > 0)
      needsDeferredProcessing[0] = true;
      boolean needToIncludeAllColumns = false;
      Enumeration descs = relevantTriggers.elements();
      while (descs.hasMoreElements())
        TriggerDescriptor trd = (TriggerDescriptor) descs.nextElement();
        //Does this trigger have REFERENCING clause defined on it
        if (!trd.getReferencingNew() && !trd.getReferencingOld())
          needToIncludeAllColumns = true;

      if (needToIncludeAllColumns) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++)

    return  columnMap;

     * Add all of the columns mentioned by the generation clauses of generated
     * columns. The generated columns were added when we called
     * addGeneratedColumns earlier on.
    private static  void    addGeneratedColumnPrecursors
     TableDescriptor         baseTable,
     ColumnDescriptorList    affectedGeneratedColumns,
     FormatableBitSet        columnMap
    throws StandardException
        int                                 generatedColumnCount = affectedGeneratedColumns.size();
        for ( int gcIdx = 0; gcIdx < generatedColumnCount; gcIdx++ )
            ColumnDescriptor    gc = affectedGeneratedColumns.elementAt( gcIdx );
            String[]                       mentionedColumnNames = gc.getDefaultInfo().getReferencedColumnNames();
            int[]                       mentionedColumns = baseTable.getColumnIDs( mentionedColumnNames );
            int                         mentionedColumnCount = mentionedColumns.length;

            for ( int mcIdx = 0; mcIdx < mentionedColumnCount; mcIdx++ )
                columnMap.set( mentionedColumns[ mcIdx ] );
            }   // done looping through mentioned columns
        }   // done looping through affected generated columns

     * Add generated columns to the update list as necessary. We add
     * any column whose generation clause mentions columns already
     * in the update list. We fill in a list of all generated columns affected
     * by this update. We also fill in a list of all generated columns which we
     * added to the update list.
    private void    addGeneratedColumns
    TableDescriptor        baseTable,
        ResultSetNode               updateSet,
        ColumnDescriptorList    affectedGeneratedColumns,
        ColumnDescriptorList    addedGeneratedColumns
    throws StandardException
        ResultColumnList        updateColumnList = updateSet.getResultColumns();
        int                             count = updateColumnList.size();
        ColumnDescriptorList    generatedColumns = baseTable.getGeneratedColumns();
        int                                 generatedColumnCount = generatedColumns.size();
    int                            columnCount = baseTable.getMaxColumnID();
        HashSet                     updatedColumns = new HashSet();
        UUID                            tableID = baseTable.getObjectID();
    for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
      String      name = ((ResultColumn)updateColumnList.elementAt( ix )).getName();

            updatedColumns.add( name );

        for ( int gcIdx = 0; gcIdx < generatedColumnCount; gcIdx++ )
            ColumnDescriptor    gc = generatedColumns.elementAt( gcIdx );
            DefaultInfo             defaultInfo = gc.getDefaultInfo();
            String[]                       mentionedColumnNames = defaultInfo.getReferencedColumnNames();
            int                         mentionedColumnCount = mentionedColumnNames.length;

            // handle the case of setting a generated column to the DEFAULT
            // literal
            if ( updatedColumns.contains( gc.getColumnName() ) ) { affectedGeneratedColumns.add( tableID, gc ); }

            // figure out if this generated column is affected by the
            // update
            for ( int mcIdx = 0; mcIdx < mentionedColumnCount; mcIdx++ )
                String                      mentionedColumnName = mentionedColumnNames[ mcIdx ];

                if ( updatedColumns.contains( mentionedColumnName ) )
                    // Yes, we are updating one of the columns mentioned in
                    // this generation clause.
                    affectedGeneratedColumns.add( tableID, gc );
                    // If the generated column isn't in the update list yet,
                    // add it.
                    if ( !updatedColumns.contains( gc.getColumnName() ) )
                        addedGeneratedColumns.add( tableID, gc );
                        // we will fill in the real value later on in parseAndBindGenerationClauses();
                        ValueNode       dummy = (ValueNode) getNodeFactory().getNode
                            ( C_NodeTypes.UNTYPED_NULL_CONSTANT_NODE, getContextManager());
                       ResultColumn    newResultColumn = (ResultColumn) getNodeFactory().getNode
                            ( C_NodeTypes.RESULT_COLUMN, gc.getType(), dummy, getContextManager());
                        newResultColumn.setColumnDescriptor( baseTable, gc );
                        newResultColumn.setName( gc.getColumnName() );

                        updateColumnList.addResultColumn( newResultColumn );
            }   // done looping through mentioned columns

        }   // done looping through generated columns

   * Force correlated column references in the SET clause to have the
   * name of the base table. This dances around the problem alluded to
   * in scrubResultColumn().
  private  void  normalizeCorrelatedColumns( ResultColumnList rcl, FromTable fromTable )
    throws StandardException
    String    correlationName = fromTable.getCorrelationName();

    if ( correlationName == null ) { return; }

    TableName  tableNameNode;

    if ( fromTable instanceof CurrentOfNode )
    { tableNameNode = ((CurrentOfNode) fromTable).getBaseCursorTargetTableName(); }
    else { tableNameNode = makeTableName( null, fromTable.getBaseTableName() ); }
    int      count = rcl.size();

    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
      ResultColumn  column = (ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt( i );
      ColumnReference  reference = column.getReference();

      if ( (reference != null) && correlationName.equals( reference.getTableName() ) )
        reference.setTableNameNode( tableNameNode );

   * Check table name and then clear it from the result set columns.
   * @exception StandardExcepion if invalid column/table is specified.
  private void checkTableNameAndScrubResultColumns(ResultColumnList rcl)
      throws StandardException
    int columnCount = rcl.size();
    int tableCount = ((SelectNode)resultSet).fromList.size();

    for ( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ )
      boolean foundMatchingTable = false;     
      ResultColumn  column = (ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt( i );

      if (column.getTableName() != null) {
        for (int j = 0; j < tableCount; j++) {
          FromTable fromTable = (FromTable) ((SelectNode)resultSet).
          final String tableName;
          if ( fromTable instanceof CurrentOfNode ) {
            tableName = ((CurrentOfNode)fromTable).
          } else {
            tableName = fromTable.getBaseTableName();

          if (column.getTableName().equals(tableName)) {
            foundMatchingTable = true;

        if (!foundMatchingTable) {
          throw StandardException.newException(
              column.getTableName() + "." + column.getName());

      /* The table name is
       * unnecessary for an update.  More importantly, though, it
       * creates a problem in the degenerate case with a positioned
       * update.  The user must specify the base table name for a
       * positioned update.  If a correlation name was specified for
       * the cursor, then a match for the ColumnReference would not
       * be found if we didn't null out the name.  (Aren't you
       * glad you asked?)
   * Normalize synonym column references to have the name of the base table.
   * @param rcl      The result column list of the target table
   * @param fromTable The table name to set the column refs to
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  private  void normalizeSynonymColumns(
    ResultColumnList    rcl,
    FromTable           fromTable)
    throws StandardException
    if (fromTable.getCorrelationName() != null)
    TableName tableNameNode;
    if (fromTable instanceof CurrentOfNode)
      tableNameNode =
                ((CurrentOfNode) fromTable).getBaseCursorTargetTableName();
      tableNameNode = makeTableName(null, fromTable.getBaseTableName());
    super.normalizeSynonymColumns(rcl, tableNameNode);
     * Do not allow generation clauses to be overriden. Throws an exception if
     * the user attempts to override the value of a generated column.  The only
     * value allowed in a generated column is DEFAULT. We will use
     * addedGeneratedColumns list to pass through the generated columns which
     * have already been added to the update list.
     * @param targetRCL  the row in the table being UPDATEd
     * @param addedGeneratedColumns generated columns which the compiler added
     *        earlier on
     * @throws StandardException on error
    private void forbidGenerationOverrides(
        ResultColumnList targetRCL,
        ColumnDescriptorList addedGeneratedColumns)
            throws StandardException
        int  count = targetRCL.size();

        ResultColumnList    resultRCL = resultSet.getResultColumns();

        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            ResultColumn    rc = (ResultColumn) targetRCL.elementAt( i );

            if ( rc.hasGenerationClause() )
                ValueNode   resultExpression =
                    ((ResultColumn) resultRCL.elementAt( i )).getExpression();

                if ( !( resultExpression instanceof DefaultNode) )
                    // We may have added the generation clause
                    // ourselves. Here we forgive ourselves for this
                    // pro-active behavior.
                    boolean allIsForgiven = false;

                    String columnName =

                    int addedCount = addedGeneratedColumns.size();

                    for ( int j = 0; j < addedCount; j++ )
                        String addedColumnName = addedGeneratedColumns.

                        if ( columnName.equals( addedColumnName ) )
                            allIsForgiven = true;
                    if ( allIsForgiven ) { continue; }

                    throw StandardException.newException
                         rc.getName() );
                    // Skip this step if we're working on an update
                    // statement. For updates, the target list has already
                    // been enhanced.
} // end of UpdateNode

Related Classes of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.UpdateNode

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