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import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.abdera.Abdera;
import org.apache.abdera.factory.Factory;
import org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri.IRI;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Content;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Entry;
import org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser;
import org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.AbderaClient;
import org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.ClientResponse;
import org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.RequestOptions;
import org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.util.BaseRequestEntity;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

* Tests use of server provided entry entity tags for Atom binding in Tuscany.
* Tests conditional gets (e.g. get if-none-match) or conditional posts (post if-match)
* using entity tags or last modified header entries.
* Uses the SCA provided Provider composite to act as a server.
* Uses the Abdera provided Client to act as a client.
* @version $Rev: 1056789 $ $Date: 2011-01-08 20:18:56 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jan 2011) $
public class ProviderEntryEntityTagsTestCase {
    public final static String providerURI = "http://localhost:8084/customer";

    protected static Node scaProviderNode;

    protected static CustomerClient testService;
    protected static Abdera abdera;
    protected static AbderaClient client;
    protected static Parser abderaParser;
    protected static String eTag;
    protected static Date lastModified;
    protected static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" ); // RFC 822 date time

    public static void init() throws Exception {
        String contribution = ContributionLocationHelper.getContributionLocation(ProviderEntryEntityTagsTestCase.class);

        scaProviderNode = NodeFactory.newInstance().createNode("org/apache/tuscany/sca/binding/atom/Provider.composite", new Contribution("provider", contribution));

        abdera = new Abdera();
        client = new AbderaClient(abdera);
        abderaParser = Abdera.getNewParser();

    public static void destroy() throws Exception {
        if (scaProviderNode != null) {

    public void testPrelim() throws Exception {
        Assert.assertNotNull( client );

    public void testEmptyCachePost() throws Exception {
        // Pseudo-code
        // 1) Example HTTP POST request (new entry put, new etag response)
        // User client post request
        //        POST /myblog/entries HTTP/1.1
        //        Slug: First Post
        //        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
        //        <entry xmlns="">
        //          <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
        //          <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id>
        //          <updated>2007-02-123T17:09:02Z</updated>
        //          <author><name>Captain Lansing</name></author>
        //          <content>It's something moving... solid metal</content>
        //        </entry>

        // Expected Atom server response (note unique ETag)
        //       HTTP/1.1 201 Created
        //       Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 21:17:11 GMT
        //       Content-Length: nnn
        //       Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry
        //       Location:
        //       Content-Location:
        //       ETag: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        //       Last-Modified: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:36:44 -0500
        //        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
        //        <entry xmlns="">
        //          <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
        //          <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id>
        //          <updated>2007-02-123T17:09:02Z</updated>
        //          <author><name>Captain Lansing</name></author>
        //          <content>It's something moving... solid metal</content>
        //        </entry>

        // Testing of entry creation
        Factory factory = abdera.getFactory();
        String customerName = "Fred Farkle";
        Entry entry = factory.newEntry();
        entry.setTitle("customer " + customerName);
        entry.setUpdated(new Date());
        entry.addAuthor("Apache Tuscany");
        // ID created by collection.
        // entry.setId(id); // auto-provided
        // entry.addLink("" + id, "edit"); // auto-provided
        // entry.addLink("" + id, "alternate"); // auto-provided
        Content content = abdera.getFactory().newContent();

        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        // AtomTestCaseUtils.printRequestHeaders( "Post request headers", "   ", opts );
        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res =, entry, opts);

        // Assert response status code is 201-OK.
        // Assert response header Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8
        // Assert response header Location:
        // Assert response header Content-Location:
        // Assert response header ETag: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        // Assert response header Last-Modified: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:36:44 -0500
        // Assert collection size is 1.
        Assert.assertEquals(201, res.getStatus());
        Assert.assertEquals(contentType, res.getContentType().toString().trim());
        // Assert.assertNotNull( res.getLocation().toString() );
        // Assert.assertEquals( "", res.getContentLocation().toString() );
        // Save eTag for subsequent tests;
        eTag = res.getHeader( "ETag" );
        Assert.assertNotNull( eTag );
        lastModified = res.getLastModified();

    public void testDirtyCachePut() throws Exception {
        // 2) Conditional PUT request (post with etag. entry provided is stale)
        // User client PUT request
        //        PUT /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-Match: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        //        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
        //        <entry xmlns="">
        //         <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
        //         <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id>
        //         <updated>2007-02-24T16:34:06Z</updated>
        //         <author><name>Captain Lansing</name></author>
        //         <content>Update: it's a hoax!</content>
        //       </entry>
        // Testing of entry creation
        Factory factory = abdera.getFactory();
        String customerName = "Molly Ringwald";
        Entry entry = factory.newEntry();
        entry.setTitle("customer " + customerName);
        entry.setUpdated( new Date());
        entry.addAuthor("Apache Tuscany");
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        entry.setId(id); // auto-provided
        // entry.addLink("" + id, "edit"); // auto-provided
        // entry.addLink("" + id, "alternate"); // auto-provided
        Content content = abdera.getFactory().newContent();

        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-None-Match", eTag);

        // AtomTestCaseUtils.printRequestHeaders( "Put request headers", "   ", opts );
        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, new BaseRequestEntity( entry ), opts);
        // Expected Atom server response (item was edited by another user)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
        //       Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 16:34:11 GMT

        // If-Match Assert response status code is 412. Precondition failed.
        // If-None-Match Assert response status code is 200. OK
        Assert.assertEquals(200, res.getStatus());
        // Put provides null body and no etags.

    public void testETagMissGet() throws Exception {
        // 4) Conditional GET example (get with etag. etag not in cache)
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-None-Match: "e180ee84f0671b1"

        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-None-Match", "123456");
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);
        // Expected Atom server response (item was edited by another user)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
        //       Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 16:34:11 GMT

        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        //        Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT
        // >      ETag: "bb4f5e86e92ddb8549604a0df0763581"
        // >      Last-Modified: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 10:25:37 -0500

        // Assert response status code is 200 OK.
        // Assert header Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry
        // Assert header Location:
        // Assert header Content-Location:
        // Assert header ETag: "555555" (etag response != etag request)
        // Assert header Last-Modified: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:36:44 -0500
        Assert.assertEquals(200, res.getStatus());
        Assert.assertEquals(contentType, res.getContentType().toString().trim());
        // Assert.assertNotNull( res.getLocation().toString() );
        // Assert.assertEquals( "", res.getContentLocation().toString() );
        Assert.assertNotNull( res.getHeader( "ETag" ) );
        lastModified = res.getLastModified();

    public void testETagHitGet() throws Exception {
        // 3) Conditional GET example (get with etag. etag match)
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-None-Match: "e180ee84f0671b1"

        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-None-Match", eTag);
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);
        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
        //       Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT

        // Assert response status code is 304 Not Modified.
        // Assert header ETag: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        // Assert header Last-Modified: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:36:44 -0500
        // Assert.assertEquals(304, res.getStatus());

    public void testUpToDateGet() throws Exception {
        // 3) Conditional GET example (get with If-Mod. entry is up to date)
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 2025 19:43:31 GMT
        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 29 Oct 2025 19:43:31 GMT"); // "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z // RFC 822 Date
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.execute( "GET", colUri.toString(), (BaseRequestEntity)null, opts);

        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
        //       Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT

        // Assert response status code is 304 Not Modified.
        Assert.assertEquals(304, res.getStatus());

    public void testOutOfDateGet() throws Exception {
        // 4) Conditional GET example (get with If-Mod. entry is not to date)
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1844 19:43:31 GMT
        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 29 Oct 1844 19:43:31 GMT"); // "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z // RFC 822 Date
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);

        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        //        Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT
        // >      ETag: "bb4f5e86e92ddb8549604a0df0763581"
        // >      Last-Modified: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 10:25:37 -0500

        // Assert response status code is 200 OK.
        // Assert header ETag: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        // Assert header Last-Modified: Greater than If-Mod
        Assert.assertEquals(200, res.getStatus());
        Assert.assertEquals(contentType, res.getContentType().toString().trim());
        // Assert.assertNotNull( res.getLocation().toString() );
        // Assert.assertEquals( "", res.getContentLocation().toString() );
        Assert.assertNotNull( res.getHeader( "ETag" ) );
        lastModified = res.getLastModified();

    public void testUpToDateUnModGet() throws Exception {
        // 3) Conditional GET example (get with If-Unmod. entry is not modified (< predicate date).
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        // >      If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 2025 19:43:31 GMT
        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-Unmodified-Since", "Sat, 29 Oct 2050 19:43:31 GMT" );
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);

        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        //        Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT
        // >      ETag: "bb4f5e86e92ddb8549604a0df0763581"
        // >      Last-Modified: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 10:25:37 -0500

        // Assert response status code is 200 OK.
        // Assert header Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry
        // Assert header Location:
        // Assert header Content-Location:
        // Assert header ETag: "e180ee84f0671b1"
        // Assert header Last-Modified: Less than If-Unmod
        Assert.assertEquals(200, res.getStatus());

    public void testOutOfDateUnModGet() throws Exception {
        // 4) Conditional GET example (get with If-Unmod. entry is modified (> predicate date)
        // User client GET request
        //       GET /edit/first-post.atom HTTP/1.1
        //        Host:
        // >      If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1844 19:43:31 GMT
        RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
        final String contentType = "application/atom+xml";
        opts.setHeader( "If-Unmodified-Since", "Sat, 29 Oct 1844 19:43:31 GMT" );
        opts.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache"); // turn off client caching

        IRI colUri = new IRI(providerURI).resolve("customer");
        // res = + "?test=foo", entry, opts);
        String id = eTag.substring( 1, eTag.length()-1);
        // Warning. AbderaClient.put(String uri,Base base,RequestOptions options) caches on the client side.
        // ClientResponse res = client.put(colUri.toString() + id, entry, opts);
        ClientResponse res = client.get(colUri.toString() + "/" + id, opts);

        // Atom server response (item was up to date)
        // >      HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
        //       Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:17:11 GMT

        // Assert response status code is 304 Not Modified.
        Assert.assertEquals(304, res.getStatus());

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