Package org.apache.oozie.command.coord

Source Code of org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInputCheckXCommand

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.oozie.command.coord;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.oozie.CoordinatorActionBean;
import org.apache.oozie.CoordinatorJobBean;
import org.apache.oozie.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorAction;
import org.apache.oozie.client.Job;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.command.CommandException;
import org.apache.oozie.command.PreconditionException;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandler;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandlerException;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.CoordActionGetForInputCheckJPAExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.CoordActionUpdateForInputCheckJPAExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.CoordActionUpdateForModifiedTimeJPAExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.CoordJobGetJPAExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.JPAExecutorException;
import org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.EventHandlerService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.JPAService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Service;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Services;
import org.apache.oozie.service.URIHandlerService;
import org.apache.oozie.util.DateUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.util.Instrumentation;
import org.apache.oozie.util.LogUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ParamChecker;
import org.apache.oozie.util.StatusUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XConfiguration;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLog;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XmlUtils;
import org.jdom.Element;

* The command to check if an action's data input paths exist in the file system.
public class CoordActionInputCheckXCommand extends CoordinatorXCommand<Void> {

    private final String actionId;
     * Property name of command re-queue interval for coordinator action input check in
     * milliseconds.
    public static final String CONF_COORD_INPUT_CHECK_REQUEUE_INTERVAL = Service.CONF_PREFIX
            + "coord.input.check.requeue.interval";
     * Default re-queue interval in ms. It is applied when no value defined in
     * the oozie configuration.
    private final int DEFAULT_COMMAND_REQUEUE_INTERVAL = 60000; // 1 minute
    private CoordinatorActionBean coordAction = null;
    private CoordinatorJobBean coordJob = null;
    private JPAService jpaService = null;
    private String jobId = null;

    public CoordActionInputCheckXCommand(String actionId, String jobId) {
        super("coord_action_input", "coord_action_input", 1);
        this.actionId = ParamChecker.notEmpty(actionId, "actionId");
        this.jobId = jobId;

    protected Void execute() throws CommandException {"[" + actionId + "]::ActionInputCheck:: Action is in WAITING state.");

        // this action should only get processed if current time > nominal time;
        // otherwise, requeue this action for delay execution;
        Date nominalTime = coordAction.getNominalTime();
        Date currentTime = new Date();
        if (nominalTime.compareTo(currentTime) > 0) {
            queue(new CoordActionInputCheckXCommand(coordAction.getId(), coordAction.getJobId()), Math.max((nominalTime.getTime() - currentTime
                    .getTime()), getCoordInputCheckRequeueInterval()));
            updateCoordAction(coordAction, false);
  "[" + actionId
                    + "]::ActionInputCheck:: nominal Time is newer than current time, so requeue and wait. Current="
                    + currentTime + ", nominal=" + nominalTime);

            return null;

        StringBuilder actionXml = new StringBuilder(coordAction.getActionXml());
        Instrumentation.Cron cron = new Instrumentation.Cron();
        boolean isChangeInDependency = false;
        try {
            Configuration actionConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(coordAction.getRunConf()));
            StringBuilder existList = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder nonExistList = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder nonResolvedList = new StringBuilder();
            String firstMissingDependency = "";
            String missingDeps = coordAction.getMissingDependencies();
            CoordCommandUtils.getResolvedList(missingDeps, nonExistList, nonResolvedList);

            // For clarity regarding which is the missing dependency in synchronous order
            // instead of printing entire list, some of which, may be available
            if(nonExistList.length() > 0) {
                firstMissingDependency = nonExistList.toString().split(CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR)[0];
  "[" + actionId + "]::CoordActionInputCheck:: Missing deps:" + firstMissingDependency + " "
                    + nonResolvedList.toString());
            // Updating the list of data dependencies that are available and those that are yet not
            boolean status = checkInput(actionXml, existList, nonExistList, actionConf);
            String pushDeps = coordAction.getPushMissingDependencies();
            // Resolve latest/future only when all current missingDependencies and
            // pushMissingDependencies are met
            if (status && nonResolvedList.length() > 0) {
                status = (pushDeps == null || pushDeps.length() == 0) ? checkUnResolvedInput(actionXml, actionConf)
                        : false;
            if (nonResolvedList.length() > 0 && status == false) {
            String nonExistListStr = nonExistList.toString();
            if (!nonExistListStr.equals(missingDeps) || missingDeps.isEmpty()) {
                // missingDeps null or empty means action should become READY
                isChangeInDependency = true;
            if (status && (pushDeps == null || pushDeps.length() == 0)) {
                String newActionXml = resolveCoordConfiguration(actionXml, actionConf, actionId);
                actionXml.replace(0, actionXml.length(), newActionXml);
                // pass jobID to the CoordActionReadyXCommand
                queue(new CoordActionReadyXCommand(coordAction.getJobId()), 100);
            else if (!isTimeout(currentTime)) {
                if (status == false) {
                    queue(new CoordActionInputCheckXCommand(coordAction.getId(), coordAction.getJobId()),
            else {
                if (!nonExistListStr.isEmpty() && pushDeps == null || pushDeps.length() == 0) {
                    queue(new CoordActionTimeOutXCommand(coordAction, coordJob.getUser(), coordJob.getAppName()));
                else {
                    // Let CoordPushDependencyCheckXCommand queue the timeout
                    queue(new CoordPushDependencyCheckXCommand(coordAction.getId()));
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (isTimeout(currentTime)) {
                LOG.debug("Queueing timeout command");
                // XCommand.queue() will not work when there is a Exception
                        .queue(new CoordActionTimeOutXCommand(coordAction, coordJob.getUser(), coordJob.getAppName()));
            throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1021, e.getMessage(), e);
        finally {
            updateCoordAction(coordAction, isChangeInDependency);
        return null;

    static String resolveCoordConfiguration(StringBuilder actionXml, Configuration actionConf, String actionId) throws Exception {
        Element eAction = XmlUtils.parseXml(actionXml.toString());
        ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createDataEvaluator(eAction, actionConf, actionId);
        materializeDataProperties(eAction, actionConf, eval);
        return XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eAction).toString();

    private boolean isTimeout(Date currentTime) {
        long waitingTime = (currentTime.getTime() - Math.max(coordAction.getNominalTime().getTime(), coordAction
                / (60 * 1000);
        int timeOut = coordAction.getTimeOut();
        return (timeOut >= 0) && (waitingTime > timeOut);

    private void updateCoordAction(CoordinatorActionBean coordAction, boolean isChangeInDependency)
            throws CommandException {
        coordAction.setLastModifiedTime(new Date());
        if (jpaService != null) {
            try {
                if (isChangeInDependency) {
                    jpaService.execute(new CoordActionUpdateForInputCheckJPAExecutor(coordAction));
                    if (EventHandlerService.isEnabled()
                            && coordAction.getStatus() != CoordinatorAction.Status.READY) {
                        //since event is not to be generated unless action RUNNING via StartX
                        generateEvent(coordAction, coordJob.getUser(), coordJob.getAppName(), null);
                else {
                    jpaService.execute(new CoordActionUpdateForModifiedTimeJPAExecutor(coordAction));
            catch (JPAExecutorException jex) {
                throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1021, jex.getMessage(), jex);

     * This function reads the value of re-queue interval for coordinator input
     * check command from the Oozie configuration provided by Configuration
     * Service. If nothing defined in the configuration, it uses the code
     * specified default value.
     * @return re-queue interval in ms
    public long getCoordInputCheckRequeueInterval() {
        long requeueInterval = Services.get().getConf().getLong(CONF_COORD_INPUT_CHECK_REQUEUE_INTERVAL,
        return requeueInterval;

     * To check the list of input paths if all of them exist
     * @param actionXml action xml
     * @param existList the list of existed paths
     * @param nonExistList the list of non existed paths
     * @param conf action configuration
     * @return true if all input paths are existed
     * @throws Exception thrown of unable to check input path
    protected boolean checkInput(StringBuilder actionXml, StringBuilder existList, StringBuilder nonExistList,
            Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        Element eAction = XmlUtils.parseXml(actionXml.toString());
        return checkResolvedUris(eAction, existList, nonExistList, conf);

    protected boolean checkUnResolvedInput(StringBuilder actionXml, Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        Element eAction = XmlUtils.parseXml(actionXml.toString());
        LOG.debug("[" + actionId + "]::ActionInputCheck:: Checking Latest/future");
        boolean allExist = checkUnresolvedInstances(eAction, conf);
        if (allExist) {
            actionXml.replace(0, actionXml.length(), XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eAction).toString());
        return allExist;

     * Materialize data properties defined in <action> tag. it includes dataIn(<DS>) and dataOut(<DS>) it creates a list
     * of files that will be needed.
     * @param eAction action element
     * @param conf action configuration
     * @throws Exception thrown if failed to resolve data properties
     * @update modify 'Action' element with appropriate list of files.
    static void materializeDataProperties(Element eAction, Configuration conf, ELEvaluator eval) throws Exception {
        Element configElem = eAction.getChild("action", eAction.getNamespace()).getChild("workflow",
                eAction.getNamespace()).getChild("configuration", eAction.getNamespace());
        if (configElem != null) {
            for (Element propElem : (List<Element>) configElem.getChildren("property", configElem.getNamespace())) {
                resolveTagContents("value", propElem, eval);

     * To resolve property value which contains el functions
     * @param tagName tag name
     * @param elem the child element of "property" element
     * @param eval el functions evaluator
     * @throws Exception thrown if unable to resolve tag value
    private static void resolveTagContents(String tagName, Element elem, ELEvaluator eval) throws Exception {
        if (elem == null) {
        Element tagElem = elem.getChild(tagName, elem.getNamespace());
        if (tagElem != null) {
            String updated = CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, tagElem.getText());
        else {
            XLog.getLog(CoordActionInputCheckXCommand.class).warn(" Value NOT FOUND " + tagName);

     * Check if any unsolved paths under data output. Resolve the unresolved data input paths.
     * @param eAction action element
     * @param actionConf action configuration
     * @return true if successful to resolve input and output paths
     * @throws Exception thrown if failed to resolve data input and output paths
    private boolean checkUnresolvedInstances(Element eAction, Configuration actionConf) throws Exception {
        String strAction = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eAction).toString();
        Date nominalTime = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(eAction.getAttributeValue("action-nominal-time"));
        String actualTimeStr = eAction.getAttributeValue("action-actual-time");
        Date actualTime = null;
        if (actualTimeStr == null) {
            LOG.debug("Unable to get action-actual-time from action xml, this job is submitted " +
            "from previous version. Assign current date to actual time, action = " + actionId);
            actualTime = new Date();
        } else {
            actualTime = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(actualTimeStr);

        StringBuffer resultedXml = new StringBuffer();

        boolean ret;
        Element inputList = eAction.getChild("input-events", eAction.getNamespace());
        if (inputList != null) {
            ret = materializeUnresolvedEvent(inputList.getChildren("data-in", eAction.getNamespace()), nominalTime,
                    actualTime, actionConf);
            if (ret == false) {
                return false;

        // Using latest() or future() in output-event is not intuitive.
        // We need to make sure, this assumption is correct.
        Element outputList = eAction.getChild("output-events", eAction.getNamespace());
        if (outputList != null) {
            for (Element dEvent : (List<Element>) outputList.getChildren("data-out", eAction.getNamespace())) {
                if (dEvent.getChild(CoordCommandUtils.UNRESOLVED_INST_TAG, dEvent.getNamespace()) != null) {
                    throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1006, "coord:latest()/future()",
                            " not permitted in output-event ");
        return true;

     * Resolve the list of data input paths
     * @param eDataEvents the list of data input elements
     * @param nominalTime action nominal time
     * @param actualTime current time
     * @param conf action configuration
     * @return true if all unresolved URIs can be resolved
     * @throws Exception thrown if failed to resolve data input paths
    private boolean materializeUnresolvedEvent(List<Element> eDataEvents, Date nominalTime, Date actualTime,
            Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        for (Element dEvent : eDataEvents) {
            if (dEvent.getChild(CoordCommandUtils.UNRESOLVED_INST_TAG, dEvent.getNamespace()) == null) {
            ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createLazyEvaluator(actualTime, nominalTime, dEvent, conf);
            String uresolvedInstance = dEvent.getChild(CoordCommandUtils.UNRESOLVED_INST_TAG, dEvent.getNamespace()).getTextTrim();
            String unresolvedList[] = uresolvedInstance.split(CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR);
            StringBuffer resolvedTmp = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < unresolvedList.length; i++) {
                String ret = CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, unresolvedList[i]);
                Boolean isResolved = (Boolean) eval.getVariable("is_resolved");
                if (isResolved == false) {
          "[" + actionId + "]::Cannot resolve: " + ret);
                    return false;
                if (resolvedTmp.length() > 0) {
                resolvedTmp.append((String) eval.getVariable("resolved_path"));
            if (resolvedTmp.length() > 0) {
                if (dEvent.getChild("uris", dEvent.getNamespace()) != null) {
                            dEvent.getChild("uris", dEvent.getNamespace()).getTextTrim());
                    dEvent.removeChild("uris", dEvent.getNamespace());
                Element uriInstance = new Element("uris", dEvent.getNamespace());
                dEvent.getContent().add(1, uriInstance);
            dEvent.removeChild(CoordCommandUtils.UNRESOLVED_INST_TAG, dEvent.getNamespace());

        return true;

     * Check all resolved URIs existence
     * @param eAction action element
     * @param existList the list of existed paths
     * @param nonExistList the list of paths to check existence
     * @param conf action configuration
     * @return true if all nonExistList paths exist
     * @throws IOException thrown if unable to access the path
    private boolean checkResolvedUris(Element eAction, StringBuilder existList, StringBuilder nonExistList,
            Configuration conf) throws IOException {"[" + actionId + "]::ActionInputCheck:: In checkResolvedUris...");
        Element inputList = eAction.getChild("input-events", eAction.getNamespace());
        if (inputList != null) {
            if (nonExistList.length() > 0) {
                checkListOfPaths(existList, nonExistList, conf);
            return nonExistList.length() == 0;
        return true;

     * Check a list of non existed paths and add to exist list if it exists
     * @param existList the list of existed paths
     * @param nonExistList the list of paths to check existence
     * @param conf action configuration
     * @return true if all nonExistList paths exist
     * @throws IOException thrown if unable to access the path
    private boolean checkListOfPaths(StringBuilder existList, StringBuilder nonExistList, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {

        String[] uriList = nonExistList.toString().split(CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR);
        if (uriList[0] != null) {
  "[" + actionId + "]::ActionInputCheck:: In checkListOfPaths: " + uriList[0] + " is Missing.");

        nonExistList.delete(0, nonExistList.length());
        boolean allExists = true;
        String existSeparator = "", nonExistSeparator = "";
        String user = ParamChecker.notEmpty(conf.get(OozieClient.USER_NAME), OozieClient.USER_NAME);
        for (int i = 0; i < uriList.length; i++) {
            if (allExists) {
                allExists = pathExists(uriList[i], conf, user);
      "[" + actionId + "]::ActionInputCheck:: File:" + uriList[i] + ", Exists? :" + allExists);
            if (allExists) {
                existSeparator = CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR;
            else {
                nonExistSeparator = CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR;
        return allExists;

     * Check if given path exists
     * @param sPath uri path
     * @param actionConf action configuration
     * @return true if path exists
     * @throws IOException thrown if unable to access the path
    protected boolean pathExists(String sPath, Configuration actionConf, String user) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("checking for the file " + sPath);
        try {
            URI uri = new URI(sPath);
            URIHandlerService service = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class);
            URIHandler handler = service.getURIHandler(uri);
            return handler.exists(uri, actionConf, user);
        catch (URIHandlerException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);

     * The function create a list of URIs separated by "," using the instances time stamp and URI-template
     * @param event : <data-in> event
     * @param instances : List of time stamp seprated by ","
     * @param unresolvedInstances : list of instance with latest/future function
     * @return : list of URIs separated by ",".
     * @throws Exception thrown if failed to create URIs from unresolvedInstances
    private String createURIs(Element event, String instances, StringBuilder unresolvedInstances) throws Exception {
        if (instances == null || instances.length() == 0) {
            return "";
        String[] instanceList = instances.split(CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR);
        StringBuilder uris = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < instanceList.length; i++) {
            int funcType = CoordCommandUtils.getFuncType(instanceList[i]);
            if (funcType == CoordCommandUtils.LATEST || funcType == CoordCommandUtils.FUTURE) {
                if (unresolvedInstances.length() > 0) {
            ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createURIELEvaluator(instanceList[i]);
            if (uris.length() > 0) {
            uris.append(CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, event.getChild("dataset", event.getNamespace()).getChild(
                    "uri-template", event.getNamespace()).getTextTrim()));
        return uris.toString();

     * getting the error code of the coord action. (used mainly for unit testing)
    protected String getCoordActionErrorCode() {
        if (coordAction != null) {
            return coordAction.getErrorCode();
        return null;

     * getting the error message of the coord action. (used mainly for unit testing)
    protected String getCoordActionErrorMsg() {
        if (coordAction != null) {
            return coordAction.getErrorMessage();
        return null;

    public String getEntityKey() {
        return this.jobId;

    protected boolean isLockRequired() {
        return true;

    protected void loadState() throws CommandException {
        if (jpaService == null) {
            jpaService = Services.get().get(JPAService.class);
        try {
            coordAction = jpaService.execute(new CoordActionGetForInputCheckJPAExecutor(actionId));
            coordJob = jpaService.execute(new CoordJobGetJPAExecutor(coordAction.getJobId()));
        catch (JPAExecutorException je) {
            throw new CommandException(je);
        LogUtils.setLogInfo(coordAction, logInfo);

    protected void verifyPrecondition() throws CommandException, PreconditionException {
        if (coordAction.getStatus() != CoordinatorActionBean.Status.WAITING) {
            throw new PreconditionException(ErrorCode.E1100, "[" + actionId
                    + "]::CoordActionInputCheck:: Ignoring action. Should be in WAITING state, but state="
                    + coordAction.getStatus());

        // if eligible to do action input check when running with backward support is true
        if (StatusUtils.getStatusForCoordActionInputCheck(coordJob)) {

        if (coordJob.getStatus() != Job.Status.RUNNING && coordJob.getStatus() != Job.Status.RUNNINGWITHERROR && coordJob.getStatus() != Job.Status.PAUSED
                && coordJob.getStatus() != Job.Status.PAUSEDWITHERROR) {
            throw new PreconditionException(
                    ErrorCode.E1100, "["+ actionId + "]::CoordActionInputCheck:: Ignoring action." +
                        " Coordinator job is not in RUNNING/RUNNINGWITHERROR/PAUSED/PAUSEDWITHERROR state, but state="
                            + coordJob.getStatus());

    public String getKey(){
        return getName() + "_" + actionId;


Related Classes of org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInputCheckXCommand

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