
Source Code of


import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.Registry;

// Util imports
import java.util.*;

// Model class imports
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.AbstractRepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.RemoteRepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ManagedRepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.V1RepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.LegacyArtifactPath;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.RepositoryGroupConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ProxyConnectorConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.SyncConnectorConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.NetworkProxyConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.RepositoryScanningConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.FileType;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.OrganisationInformation;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.WebappConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.UserInterfaceOptions;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.NetworkConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.RedbackRuntimeConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.LdapConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.LdapGroupMapping;

* Generate Plexus Registry output mechanism for model 'Configuration'.
public class ConfigurationRegistryWriter
    public void write( Configuration model, Registry registry )
        writeConfiguration( "", model, registry );

    private void writeConfiguration( String prefix, Configuration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getVersion() != null
                      String version = "version";
                registry.setString( prefix + version, value.getVersion() );
                  if ( value.getRepositories() != null && value.getRepositories().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "repositories" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "repositories.repository(" + count + ")";
                    V1RepositoryConfiguration o = ( V1RepositoryConfiguration );
                    writeV1RepositoryConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getRepositoryGroups() != null && value.getRepositoryGroups().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "repositoryGroups" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRepositoryGroups().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "repositoryGroups.repositoryGroup(" + count + ")";
                    RepositoryGroupConfiguration o = ( RepositoryGroupConfiguration );
                    writeRepositoryGroupConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getManagedRepositories() != null && value.getManagedRepositories().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "managedRepositories" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getManagedRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "managedRepositories.managedRepository(" + count + ")";
                    ManagedRepositoryConfiguration o = ( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration );
                    writeManagedRepositoryConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getRemoteRepositories() != null && value.getRemoteRepositories().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "remoteRepositories" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRemoteRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "remoteRepositories.remoteRepository(" + count + ")";
                    RemoteRepositoryConfiguration o = ( RemoteRepositoryConfiguration );
                    writeRemoteRepositoryConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getProxyConnectors() != null && value.getProxyConnectors().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "proxyConnectors" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProxyConnectors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "proxyConnectors.proxyConnector(" + count + ")";
                    ProxyConnectorConfiguration o = ( ProxyConnectorConfiguration );
                    writeProxyConnectorConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getNetworkProxies() != null && value.getNetworkProxies().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "networkProxies" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getNetworkProxies().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "networkProxies.networkProxy(" + count + ")";
                    NetworkProxyConfiguration o = ( NetworkProxyConfiguration );
                    writeNetworkProxyConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getLegacyArtifactPaths() != null && value.getLegacyArtifactPaths().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "legacyArtifactPaths" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getLegacyArtifactPaths().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "legacyArtifactPaths.legacyArtifactPath(" + count + ")";
                    LegacyArtifactPath o = ( LegacyArtifactPath );
                    writeLegacyArtifactPath( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getRepositoryScanning() != null
                writeRepositoryScanningConfiguration( prefix + "repositoryScanning.", value.getRepositoryScanning(), registry );
            if ( value.getWebapp() != null
                writeWebappConfiguration( prefix + "webapp.", value.getWebapp(), registry );
            if ( value.getOrganisationInfo() != null
                writeOrganisationInformation( prefix + "organisationInfo.", value.getOrganisationInfo(), registry );
            if ( value.getNetworkConfiguration() != null
                writeNetworkConfiguration( prefix + "networkConfiguration.", value.getNetworkConfiguration(), registry );
            if ( value.getRedbackRuntimeConfiguration() != null
                writeRedbackRuntimeConfiguration( prefix + "redbackRuntimeConfiguration.", value.getRedbackRuntimeConfiguration(), registry );
            if ( value.getArchivaRuntimeConfiguration() != null
                writeArchivaRuntimeConfiguration( prefix + "archivaRuntimeConfiguration.", value.getArchivaRuntimeConfiguration(), registry );
            if ( value.getProxyConnectorRuleConfigurations() != null && value.getProxyConnectorRuleConfigurations().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "proxyConnectorRuleConfigurations" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProxyConnectorRuleConfigurations().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "proxyConnectorRuleConfigurations.proxyConnectorRuleConfiguration(" + count + ")";
                    ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration o = ( ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration );
                    writeProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
    private void writeAbstractRepositoryConfiguration( String prefix, AbstractRepositoryConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getName() != null
                      String name = "name";
                registry.setString( prefix + name, value.getName() );
                        if ( value.getLayout() != null && !value.getLayout().equals( "default" )
                      String layout = "layout";
                registry.setString( prefix + layout, value.getLayout() );
                        if ( value.getIndexDir() != null
                      String indexDir = "indexDir";
                registry.setString( prefix + indexDir, value.getIndexDir() );
                        if ( value.getDescription() != null
                      String description = "description";
                registry.setString( prefix + description, value.getDescription() );
    private void writeRemoteRepositoryConfiguration( String prefix, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getUrl() != null
                      String url = "url";
                registry.setString( prefix + url, value.getUrl() );
                        if ( value.getUsername() != null
                      String username = "username";
                registry.setString( prefix + username, value.getUsername() );
                        if ( value.getPassword() != null
                      String password = "password";
                registry.setString( prefix + password, value.getPassword() );
                        if ( value.getTimeout() != 60
                      String timeout = "timeout";
                registry.setInt( prefix + timeout, value.getTimeout() );
                        if ( value.getRefreshCronExpression() != null && !value.getRefreshCronExpression().equals( "0 0 08 ? * SUN" )
                      String refreshCronExpression = "refreshCronExpression";
                registry.setString( prefix + refreshCronExpression, value.getRefreshCronExpression() );
                            String downloadRemoteIndex = "downloadRemoteIndex";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + downloadRemoteIndex, value.isDownloadRemoteIndex() );
                        if ( value.getRemoteIndexUrl() != null
                      String remoteIndexUrl = "remoteIndexUrl";
                registry.setString( prefix + remoteIndexUrl, value.getRemoteIndexUrl() );
                        if ( value.getRemoteDownloadNetworkProxyId() != null
                      String remoteDownloadNetworkProxyId = "remoteDownloadNetworkProxyId";
                registry.setString( prefix + remoteDownloadNetworkProxyId, value.getRemoteDownloadNetworkProxyId() );
                        if ( value.getRemoteDownloadTimeout() != 300
                      String remoteDownloadTimeout = "remoteDownloadTimeout";
                registry.setInt( prefix + remoteDownloadTimeout, value.getRemoteDownloadTimeout() );
                            String downloadRemoteIndexOnStartup = "downloadRemoteIndexOnStartup";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + downloadRemoteIndexOnStartup, value.isDownloadRemoteIndexOnStartup() );
                  if ( value.getExtraParameters() != null && value.getExtraParameters().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "extraParameters" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getExtraParameters().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getExtraParameters().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "extraParameters." + key, v );
            if ( value.getExtraHeaders() != null && value.getExtraHeaders().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "extraHeaders" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getExtraHeaders().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getExtraHeaders().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "extraHeaders." + key, v );
                  if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getName() != null
                      String name = "name";
                registry.setString( prefix + name, value.getName() );
                        if ( value.getLayout() != null && !value.getLayout().equals( "default" )
                      String layout = "layout";
                registry.setString( prefix + layout, value.getLayout() );
                        if ( value.getIndexDir() != null
                      String indexDir = "indexDir";
                registry.setString( prefix + indexDir, value.getIndexDir() );
                        if ( value.getDescription() != null
                      String description = "description";
                registry.setString( prefix + description, value.getDescription() );
    private void writeManagedRepositoryConfiguration( String prefix, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getLocation() != null
                      String location = "location";
                registry.setString( prefix + location, value.getLocation() );
                            String releases = "releases";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + releases, value.isReleases() );
                            String blockRedeployments = "blockRedeployments";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + blockRedeployments, value.isBlockRedeployments() );
                            String snapshots = "snapshots";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + snapshots, value.isSnapshots() );
                            String scanned = "scanned";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + scanned, value.isScanned() );
                        if ( value.getRefreshCronExpression() != null && !value.getRefreshCronExpression().equals( "0 0 * * * ?" )
                      String refreshCronExpression = "refreshCronExpression";
                registry.setString( prefix + refreshCronExpression, value.getRefreshCronExpression() );
                        if ( value.getRetentionCount() != 2
                      String retentionCount = "retentionCount";
                registry.setInt( prefix + retentionCount, value.getRetentionCount() );
                        if ( value.getDaysOlder() != 100
                      String daysOlder = "daysOlder";
                registry.setInt( prefix + daysOlder, value.getDaysOlder() );
                            String deleteReleasedSnapshots = "deleteReleasedSnapshots";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + deleteReleasedSnapshots, value.isDeleteReleasedSnapshots() );
                            String skipPackedIndexCreation = "skipPackedIndexCreation";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + skipPackedIndexCreation, value.isSkipPackedIndexCreation() );
                            String stageRepoNeeded = "stageRepoNeeded";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + stageRepoNeeded, value.isStageRepoNeeded() );
                        if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getName() != null
                      String name = "name";
                registry.setString( prefix + name, value.getName() );
                        if ( value.getLayout() != null && !value.getLayout().equals( "default" )
                      String layout = "layout";
                registry.setString( prefix + layout, value.getLayout() );
                        if ( value.getIndexDir() != null
                      String indexDir = "indexDir";
                registry.setString( prefix + indexDir, value.getIndexDir() );
                        if ( value.getDescription() != null
                      String description = "description";
                registry.setString( prefix + description, value.getDescription() );
    private void writeV1RepositoryConfiguration( String prefix, V1RepositoryConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getUrl() != null
                      String url = "url";
                registry.setString( prefix + url, value.getUrl() );
                            String indexed = "indexed";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + indexed, value.isIndexed() );
                        if ( value.getLocation() != null
                      String location = "location";
                registry.setString( prefix + location, value.getLocation() );
                            String releases = "releases";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + releases, value.isReleases() );
                            String blockRedeployments = "blockRedeployments";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + blockRedeployments, value.isBlockRedeployments() );
                            String snapshots = "snapshots";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + snapshots, value.isSnapshots() );
                            String scanned = "scanned";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + scanned, value.isScanned() );
                        if ( value.getRefreshCronExpression() != null && !value.getRefreshCronExpression().equals( "0 0 * * * ?" )
                      String refreshCronExpression = "refreshCronExpression";
                registry.setString( prefix + refreshCronExpression, value.getRefreshCronExpression() );
                        if ( value.getRetentionCount() != 2
                      String retentionCount = "retentionCount";
                registry.setInt( prefix + retentionCount, value.getRetentionCount() );
                        if ( value.getDaysOlder() != 100
                      String daysOlder = "daysOlder";
                registry.setInt( prefix + daysOlder, value.getDaysOlder() );
                            String deleteReleasedSnapshots = "deleteReleasedSnapshots";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + deleteReleasedSnapshots, value.isDeleteReleasedSnapshots() );
                            String skipPackedIndexCreation = "skipPackedIndexCreation";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + skipPackedIndexCreation, value.isSkipPackedIndexCreation() );
                            String stageRepoNeeded = "stageRepoNeeded";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + stageRepoNeeded, value.isStageRepoNeeded() );
                        if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getName() != null
                      String name = "name";
                registry.setString( prefix + name, value.getName() );
                        if ( value.getLayout() != null && !value.getLayout().equals( "default" )
                      String layout = "layout";
                registry.setString( prefix + layout, value.getLayout() );
                        if ( value.getIndexDir() != null
                      String indexDir = "indexDir";
                registry.setString( prefix + indexDir, value.getIndexDir() );
                        if ( value.getDescription() != null
                      String description = "description";
                registry.setString( prefix + description, value.getDescription() );
    private void writeLegacyArtifactPath( String prefix, LegacyArtifactPath value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getPath() != null
                      String path = "path";
                registry.setString( prefix + path, value.getPath() );
                        if ( value.getArtifact() != null
                      String artifact = "artifact";
                registry.setString( prefix + artifact, value.getArtifact() );
    private void writeRepositoryGroupConfiguration( String prefix, RepositoryGroupConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getMergedIndexPath() != null && !value.getMergedIndexPath().equals( "/.indexer" )
                      String mergedIndexPath = "mergedIndexPath";
                registry.setString( prefix + mergedIndexPath, value.getMergedIndexPath() );
                        if ( value.getMergedIndexTtl() != 30
                      String mergedIndexTtl = "mergedIndexTtl";
                registry.setInt( prefix + mergedIndexTtl, value.getMergedIndexTtl() );
                  if ( value.getRepositories() != null && value.getRepositories().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "repositories" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "repositories.repository(" + count + ")";
                    String repository = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, repository );
    private void writeAbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration( String prefix, AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getSourceRepoId() != null
                      String sourceRepoId = "sourceRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + sourceRepoId, value.getSourceRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getTargetRepoId() != null
                      String targetRepoId = "targetRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + targetRepoId, value.getTargetRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getProxyId() != null
                      String proxyId = "proxyId";
                registry.setString( prefix + proxyId, value.getProxyId() );
                  if ( value.getBlackListPatterns() != null && value.getBlackListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "blackListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getBlackListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "blackListPatterns.blackListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String blackListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, blackListPattern );
            if ( value.getWhiteListPatterns() != null && value.getWhiteListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "whiteListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getWhiteListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "whiteListPatterns.whiteListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String whiteListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, whiteListPattern );
            if ( value.getPolicies() != null && value.getPolicies().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "policies" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getPolicies().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getPolicies().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "policies." + key, v );
            if ( value.getProperties() != null && value.getProperties().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "properties" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getProperties().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "properties." + key, v );
                      String disabled = "disabled";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + disabled, value.isDisabled() );
    private void writeProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration( String prefix, ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getRuleType() != null
                      String ruleType = "ruleType";
                registry.setString( prefix + ruleType, value.getRuleType() );
                        if ( value.getPattern() != null
                      String pattern = "pattern";
                registry.setString( prefix + pattern, value.getPattern() );
                  if ( value.getProxyConnectors() != null && value.getProxyConnectors().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "proxyConnectors" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProxyConnectors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "proxyConnectors.proxyConnector(" + count + ")";
                    ProxyConnectorConfiguration o = ( ProxyConnectorConfiguration );
                    writeProxyConnectorConfiguration( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
    private void writeProxyConnectorConfiguration( String prefix, ProxyConnectorConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getOrder() != 0
                      String order = "order";
                registry.setInt( prefix + order, value.getOrder() );
                        if ( value.getSourceRepoId() != null
                      String sourceRepoId = "sourceRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + sourceRepoId, value.getSourceRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getTargetRepoId() != null
                      String targetRepoId = "targetRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + targetRepoId, value.getTargetRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getProxyId() != null
                      String proxyId = "proxyId";
                registry.setString( prefix + proxyId, value.getProxyId() );
                  if ( value.getBlackListPatterns() != null && value.getBlackListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "blackListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getBlackListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "blackListPatterns.blackListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String blackListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, blackListPattern );
            if ( value.getWhiteListPatterns() != null && value.getWhiteListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "whiteListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getWhiteListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "whiteListPatterns.whiteListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String whiteListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, whiteListPattern );
            if ( value.getPolicies() != null && value.getPolicies().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "policies" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getPolicies().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getPolicies().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "policies." + key, v );
            if ( value.getProperties() != null && value.getProperties().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "properties" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getProperties().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "properties." + key, v );
                      String disabled = "disabled";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + disabled, value.isDisabled() );
    private void writeSyncConnectorConfiguration( String prefix, SyncConnectorConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getCronExpression() != null && !value.getCronExpression().equals( "0 0 * * * ?" )
                      String cronExpression = "cronExpression";
                registry.setString( prefix + cronExpression, value.getCronExpression() );
                        if ( value.getMethod() != null && !value.getMethod().equals( "rsync" )
                      String method = "method";
                registry.setString( prefix + method, value.getMethod() );
                        if ( value.getSourceRepoId() != null
                      String sourceRepoId = "sourceRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + sourceRepoId, value.getSourceRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getTargetRepoId() != null
                      String targetRepoId = "targetRepoId";
                registry.setString( prefix + targetRepoId, value.getTargetRepoId() );
                        if ( value.getProxyId() != null
                      String proxyId = "proxyId";
                registry.setString( prefix + proxyId, value.getProxyId() );
                  if ( value.getBlackListPatterns() != null && value.getBlackListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "blackListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getBlackListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "blackListPatterns.blackListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String blackListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, blackListPattern );
            if ( value.getWhiteListPatterns() != null && value.getWhiteListPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "whiteListPatterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getWhiteListPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "whiteListPatterns.whiteListPattern(" + count + ")";
                    String whiteListPattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, whiteListPattern );
            if ( value.getPolicies() != null && value.getPolicies().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "policies" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getPolicies().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getPolicies().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "policies." + key, v );
            if ( value.getProperties() != null && value.getProperties().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "properties" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getProperties().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "properties." + key, v );
                      String disabled = "disabled";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + disabled, value.isDisabled() );
    private void writeNetworkProxyConfiguration( String prefix, NetworkProxyConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                        if ( value.getProtocol() != null && !value.getProtocol().equals( "http" )
                      String protocol = "protocol";
                registry.setString( prefix + protocol, value.getProtocol() );
                        if ( value.getHost() != null
                      String host = "host";
                registry.setString( prefix + host, value.getHost() );
                        if ( value.getPort() != 8080
                      String port = "port";
                registry.setInt( prefix + port, value.getPort() );
                        if ( value.getUsername() != null
                      String username = "username";
                registry.setString( prefix + username, value.getUsername() );
                        if ( value.getPassword() != null
                      String password = "password";
                registry.setString( prefix + password, value.getPassword() );
                            String useNtlm = "useNtlm";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + useNtlm, value.isUseNtlm() );
    private void writeRepositoryScanningConfiguration( String prefix, RepositoryScanningConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
            if ( value.getFileTypes() != null && value.getFileTypes().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "fileTypes" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getFileTypes().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "fileTypes.fileType(" + count + ")";
                    FileType o = ( FileType );
                    writeFileType( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getKnownContentConsumers() != null && value.getKnownContentConsumers().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "knownContentConsumers" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getKnownContentConsumers().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "knownContentConsumers.knownContentConsumer(" + count + ")";
                    String knownContentConsumer = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, knownContentConsumer );
            if ( value.getInvalidContentConsumers() != null && value.getInvalidContentConsumers().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "invalidContentConsumers" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getInvalidContentConsumers().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "invalidContentConsumers.invalidContentConsumer(" + count + ")";
                    String invalidContentConsumer = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, invalidContentConsumer );
    private void writeFileType( String prefix, FileType value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getId() != null
                      String id = "id";
                registry.setString( prefix + id, value.getId() );
                  if ( value.getPatterns() != null && value.getPatterns().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "patterns" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getPatterns().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "patterns.pattern(" + count + ")";
                    String pattern = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, pattern );
    private void writeOrganisationInformation( String prefix, OrganisationInformation value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getName() != null
                      String name = "name";
                registry.setString( prefix + name, value.getName() );
                        if ( value.getUrl() != null
                      String url = "url";
                registry.setString( prefix + url, value.getUrl() );
                        if ( value.getLogoLocation() != null
                      String logoLocation = "logoLocation";
                registry.setString( prefix + logoLocation, value.getLogoLocation() );
    private void writeWebappConfiguration( String prefix, WebappConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
            if ( value.getUi() != null
                writeUserInterfaceOptions( prefix + "ui.", value.getUi(), registry );
    private void writeUserInterfaceOptions( String prefix, UserInterfaceOptions value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                      String showFindArtifacts = "showFindArtifacts";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + showFindArtifacts, value.isShowFindArtifacts() );
                            String appletFindEnabled = "appletFindEnabled";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + appletFindEnabled, value.isAppletFindEnabled() );
                            String disableEasterEggs = "disableEasterEggs";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + disableEasterEggs, value.isDisableEasterEggs() );
                        if ( value.getApplicationUrl() != null
                      String applicationUrl = "applicationUrl";
                registry.setString( prefix + applicationUrl, value.getApplicationUrl() );
                            String disableRegistration = "disableRegistration";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + disableRegistration, value.isDisableRegistration() );
    private void writeNetworkConfiguration( String prefix, NetworkConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getMaxTotal() != 30
                      String maxTotal = "maxTotal";
                registry.setInt( prefix + maxTotal, value.getMaxTotal() );
                        if ( value.getMaxTotalPerHost() != 30
                      String maxTotalPerHost = "maxTotalPerHost";
                registry.setInt( prefix + maxTotalPerHost, value.getMaxTotalPerHost() );
                            String usePooling = "usePooling";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + usePooling, value.isUsePooling() );
    private void writeArchivaRuntimeConfiguration( String prefix, ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
            if ( value.getUrlFailureCacheConfiguration() != null
                writeCacheConfiguration( prefix + "urlFailureCacheConfiguration.", value.getUrlFailureCacheConfiguration(), registry );
    private void writeRedbackRuntimeConfiguration( String prefix, RedbackRuntimeConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                      String migratedFromRedbackConfiguration = "migratedFromRedbackConfiguration";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + migratedFromRedbackConfiguration, value.isMigratedFromRedbackConfiguration() );
                  if ( value.getUserManagerImpls() != null && value.getUserManagerImpls().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "userManagerImpls" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getUserManagerImpls().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "userManagerImpls.userManagerImpl(" + count + ")";
                    String userManagerImpl = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, userManagerImpl );
            if ( value.getRbacManagerImpls() != null && value.getRbacManagerImpls().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "rbacManagerImpls" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRbacManagerImpls().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "rbacManagerImpls.rbacManagerImpl(" + count + ")";
                    String rbacManagerImpl = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, rbacManagerImpl );
            if ( value.getLdapConfiguration() != null
                writeLdapConfiguration( prefix + "ldapConfiguration.", value.getLdapConfiguration(), registry );
            if ( value.getLdapGroupMappings() != null && value.getLdapGroupMappings().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "ldapGroupMappings" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getLdapGroupMappings().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "ldapGroupMappings.ldapGroupMapping(" + count + ")";
                    LdapGroupMapping o = ( LdapGroupMapping );
                    writeLdapGroupMapping( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
            if ( value.getConfigurationProperties() != null && value.getConfigurationProperties().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "configurationProperties" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getConfigurationProperties().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getConfigurationProperties().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "configurationProperties." + key, v );
                      String useUsersCache = "useUsersCache";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + useUsersCache, value.isUseUsersCache() );
                  if ( value.getUsersCacheConfiguration() != null
                writeCacheConfiguration( prefix + "usersCacheConfiguration.", value.getUsersCacheConfiguration(), registry );
    private void writeLdapConfiguration( String prefix, LdapConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getHostName() != null
                      String hostName = "hostName";
                registry.setString( prefix + hostName, value.getHostName() );
                        if ( value.getPort() != 0
                      String port = "port";
                registry.setInt( prefix + port, value.getPort() );
                            String ssl = "ssl";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + ssl, value.isSsl() );
                        if ( value.getBaseDn() != null
                      String baseDn = "baseDn";
                registry.setString( prefix + baseDn, value.getBaseDn() );
                        if ( value.getBaseGroupsDn() != null
                      String baseGroupsDn = "baseGroupsDn";
                registry.setString( prefix + baseGroupsDn, value.getBaseGroupsDn() );
                        if ( value.getContextFactory() != null
                      String contextFactory = "contextFactory";
                registry.setString( prefix + contextFactory, value.getContextFactory() );
                        if ( value.getBindDn() != null
                      String bindDn = "bindDn";
                registry.setString( prefix + bindDn, value.getBindDn() );
                        if ( value.getPassword() != null
                      String password = "password";
                registry.setString( prefix + password, value.getPassword() );
                        if ( value.getAuthenticationMethod() != null
                      String authenticationMethod = "authenticationMethod";
                registry.setString( prefix + authenticationMethod, value.getAuthenticationMethod() );
                            String bindAuthenticatorEnabled = "bindAuthenticatorEnabled";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + bindAuthenticatorEnabled, value.isBindAuthenticatorEnabled() );
                            String writable = "writable";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + writable, value.isWritable() );
                            String useRoleNameAsGroup = "useRoleNameAsGroup";
                registry.setBoolean( prefix + useRoleNameAsGroup, value.isUseRoleNameAsGroup() );
                  if ( value.getExtraProperties() != null && value.getExtraProperties().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "extraProperties" );
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getExtraProperties().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String key = (String);
                    String v = (String) value.getExtraProperties().get( key );

                    registry.setString( prefix + "extraProperties." + key, v );
    private void writeCacheConfiguration( String prefix, CacheConfiguration value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getTimeToIdleSeconds() != -1
                      String timeToIdleSeconds = "timeToIdleSeconds";
                registry.setInt( prefix + timeToIdleSeconds, value.getTimeToIdleSeconds() );
                        if ( value.getTimeToLiveSeconds() != -1
                      String timeToLiveSeconds = "timeToLiveSeconds";
                registry.setInt( prefix + timeToLiveSeconds, value.getTimeToLiveSeconds() );
                        if ( value.getMaxElementsInMemory() != -1
                      String maxElementsInMemory = "maxElementsInMemory";
                registry.setInt( prefix + maxElementsInMemory, value.getMaxElementsInMemory() );
                        if ( value.getMaxElementsOnDisk() != -1
                      String maxElementsOnDisk = "maxElementsOnDisk";
                registry.setInt( prefix + maxElementsOnDisk, value.getMaxElementsOnDisk() );
    private void writeLdapGroupMapping( String prefix, LdapGroupMapping value, Registry registry )
        if ( value != null )
                  if ( value.getGroup() != null
                      String group = "group";
                registry.setString( prefix + group, value.getGroup() );
                  if ( value.getRoleNames() != null && value.getRoleNames().size() > 0
                registry.removeSubset( prefix + "roleNames" );

                int count = 0;
                for ( Iterator iter = value.getRoleNames().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
                    String name = "roleNames.roleName(" + count + ")";
                    String roleName = ( String );
                    registry.setString( prefix + name, roleName );

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