Package quicktime.qd

Examples of quicktime.qd.Region.union()

/*     */       return;
/*     */     Region localRegion;
/* 465 */     if (this.interruptedGrab) {
/* 466 */       localRegion = prepaint();
/* 467 */       if ((localRegion != null) && (paramRegion != null))
/* 468 */         paramRegion = localRegion.union(paramRegion);
/* 469 */       if ((!this.interruptedGrab) && (isSingleFrame()))
/* 470 */         doSingleFrame();
/*     */     }
/* 472 */     else if ((!isSingleFrame()) && (isRedrawing())) {
/* 473 */       localRegion = prepaint();
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/* 470 */         doSingleFrame();
/*     */     }
/* 472 */     else if ((!isSingleFrame()) && (isRedrawing())) {
/* 473 */       localRegion = prepaint();
/* 474 */       if ((localRegion != null) && (paramRegion != null))
/* 475 */         paramRegion = localRegion.union(paramRegion);
/*     */     }
/* 477 */     this.image.redraw(paramRegion);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   /** @deprecated */
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/* 535 */           PixelGrabber localPixelGrabber = new PixelGrabber(this.offscreenImage, j, k, m, n, this.iData.getInts(), k * this.mSize.width + j, this.mSize.width);
/* 536 */           localPixelGrabber.grabPixels();
/* 537 */           if (localRegion == null)
/* 538 */             localRegion = new Region(new QDRect(arrayOfRectangle[i].x, arrayOfRectangle[i].y, arrayOfRectangle[i].width, arrayOfRectangle[i].height));
/*     */           else
/* 540 */             localRegion = localRegion.union(new QDRect(arrayOfRectangle[i].x, arrayOfRectangle[i].y, arrayOfRectangle[i].width, arrayOfRectangle[i].height));
/*     */         }
/*     */     }
/*     */     catch (InterruptedException localInterruptedException) {
/* 544 */       this.interruptedGrab = true;
/* 545 */       if (this.singleFrameFlag == 2)
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