Writes this respone to the provided output stream.
To implememt streaming, execution is sometimes delayed until the write opperation (for example of this see FeatureResponse). Hopefully this is okay? GR:the idea for minimize risk error at writing time, is that execute performs any needed query/processing, leaving to this method just the risk of encountering an uncaught or IO exception. i.e. FeatureResponse should execute the queries inside the execute method, and have a set of FeatureReader's (or results) ready to be streamed here. This approach fits well with the Chirs' idea of configuring geoserver for speed or full conformance, wich ends in just writing directly to the http response output stream or to a ByteArrayOutputStream
JG: Consider using a Writer here? GR: I don't think so, because not all responses will be char sequences, such as an image in a WMS GetImage response.
@param out
@throws ServiceException wrapping of any unchecked exception or otherpredictable exception except an IO error while writing to
@throws IOException ONLY if an error occurs trying to write content tothe passed OutputStream. By this way, we'll can control the very common situation of a java.net.SocketException product of the client closing the connection (like a user pressing it's refresh browser button many times)