// copy, not clone as latter updates phase information
File srcRepoLoc = RepoUtils.copyRepoToTempLocation("test-phases", "test-pull-nopub-src");
File dstRepoLoc = RepoUtils.initEmptyTempRepo("test-pull-nopub-dst");
Map<String,?> props = Collections.singletonMap(Internals.CFG_PROPERTY_CREATE_PHASEROOTS, true);
final HgLookup hgLookup = new HgLookup(new BasicSessionContext(props, null));
HgRepository srcRepo = hgLookup.detect(srcRepoLoc);
// revisions 6 and 9 are secret, so
// index of revisions 4 and 5 won't change, but that of 7 and 8 would
Nodeid r7 = srcRepo.getChangelog().getRevision(7);
Nodeid r8 = srcRepo.getChangelog().getRevision(8);