// cycle. In the predicted case, we trigger a cycle on expiry so that any new market data subscriptions are made
// straight away.
if ((compiledViewDefinition.getValidTo() != null) && getExecutionOptions().getFlags().contains(ViewExecutionFlags.TRIGGER_CYCLE_ON_MARKET_DATA_CHANGED)) {
final Duration durationToExpiry = _marketDataManager.getMarketDataProvider().getRealTimeDuration(valuationTime,
final long expiryNanos = System.nanoTime() + durationToExpiry.toNanos();
_compilationExpiryCycleTrigger.set(expiryNanos, ViewCycleTriggerResult.forceFull());
// REVIEW Andrew 2012-11-02 -- If we are ticking live, then this is almost right (System.nanoTime will be close to valuationTime, depending on how
// long the compilation took). If we are running through historical data then this is quite a meaningless trigger.
} else {