This method does that same thing as calling {@link #create(String,long) create(name, timeMillis)}. {@link Coordination#push() push()} @param name The name of this coordination. The name does not have to beunique but must follow the {@code symbolic-name} syntax from theCore specification. @param timeMillis Timeout in milliseconds. A value of 0 means no timeoutis required. If the Coordination is not terminated within the timeout, the Coordinator service will {@link Coordination#fail(Throwable) fail} the Coordination with a{@link Coordination#TIMEOUT TIMEOUT} exception. @return A new Coordination object @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified name does not followthe {@code symbolic-name} syntax or the specified time isnegative. @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have{@code CoordinationPermission[INITIATE]} for the specified nameand creating bundle.