final Date fourthWeekdayDate = Date.nthWeekday(4, Weekday.Tuesday, today.month(), today.year());
System.out.println("The fourthWeekdayDate which is TUESDAY is = "+fourthWeekdayDate);
//Let's try getting the first date of the month to which today's date belong to
final Date dateEndOfMonth = Date.endOfMonth(today);
final int dayOfEndOfMonth = dateEndOfMonth.dayOfMonth();
final Date dateStartOfMonth = dateEndOfMonth.add(-dayOfEndOfMonth+1);
System.out.println("The first date of the month to which todays date belong to is = "+dateStartOfMonth);
//Let's try getting the first date of the month to which today's date belong to using Period
final Period period = new Period(-today.dayOfMonth()+1,TimeUnit.Days);