Package org.joda.time

Examples of org.joda.time.DateTime.withDayOfMonth()

            dt = dt.withMillis(p * 1000L + s);
        } else {
            p &= ~(1<<31);
            dt = dt.withYear(((p >>> 14) & 0xFFFF) + 1900);
            dt = dt.withMonthOfYear(((p >>> 10) & 0xF) + 1);
            dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(((p >>> 5& 0x1F));
            dt = dt.withHourOfDay((p & 0x1F));
            dt = dt.withMinuteOfHour(((s >>> 26) & 0x3F));
            dt = dt.withSecondOfMinute(((s >>> 20) & 0x3F));
            // marsaling dumps usec, not msec
            dt = dt.withMillisOfSecond((s & 0xFFFFF) / 1000);
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    public void test_setDayOfMonth() {
        Chronology zone = LenientChronology.getInstance(ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC());
        DateTime dt = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0, zone);
        assertEquals("2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());
        dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(32);
        assertEquals("2007-02-01T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());
        dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(0);
        assertEquals("2007-01-31T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());
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        Chronology zone = LenientChronology.getInstance(ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC());
        DateTime dt = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0, zone);
        assertEquals("2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());
        dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(32);
        assertEquals("2007-02-01T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());
        dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(0);
        assertEquals("2007-01-31T00:00:00.000Z", dt.toString());

    public void test_setHourOfDay() {
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        } else {
            p &= ~(1<<31);
            utc = ((p >>> 30 & 0x1) == 0x1);
            dt = dt.withYear(((p >>> 14) & 0xFFFF) + 1900);
            dt = dt.withMonthOfYear(((p >>> 10) & 0xF) + 1);
            dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(((p >>> 5& 0x1F));
            dt = dt.withHourOfDay((p & 0x1F));
            dt = dt.withMinuteOfHour(((s >>> 26) & 0x3F));
            dt = dt.withSecondOfMinute(((s >>> 20) & 0x3F));
            // marsaling dumps usec, not msec
            dt = dt.withMillisOfSecond((s & 0xFFFFF) / 1000);
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        assertFunction("date_trunc('hour', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withHourOfDay(0);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));
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        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));

        result = result.withMonthOfYear(7);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('quarter', " + TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestamp(result));
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        assertFunction("date_trunc('hour', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withHourOfDay(0);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));
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        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));

        result = result.withMonthOfYear(7);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('quarter', " + WEIRD_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL + ")", toTimestampWithTimeZone(result));
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    public void testTruncateDate()
        DateTime result = DATE;
        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));
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        assertFunction("date_trunc('day', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(20);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('week', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));

        result = result.withDayOfMonth(1);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('month', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));

        result = result.withMonthOfYear(7);
        assertFunction("date_trunc('quarter', " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", toDate(result));
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