MavenResolverSystem earResolver = Resolvers.use(MavenResolverSystem.class);
// this must be named rhq.ear because the "rhq" portion is used in the jndi names
EnterpriseArchive testEar = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "rhq.ear");
EnterpriseArchive rhqEar = earResolver.resolve("org.rhq:rhq-enterprise-server-ear:ear:" + projectVersion)
// merge rhq.ear into testEar but include only the EJB jars and the supporting libraries. Note that we
// don't include the services sar because tests are responsible for prepare/unprepare of all required services,
// we don't want the production services performing any unexpected work.
testEar = testEar.merge(rhqEar, Filters.include("/lib.*|/rhq.*ejb3\\.jar.*|/rhq-server.jar.*"));