Package org.htmlparser

Examples of org.htmlparser.Remark.toHtml()

        parser.setNodeFactory (new PrototypicalNodeFactory (true));
        // The first node should be a Remark
        assertTrue("First node should be a Remark",node[0] instanceof Remark);
        Remark Remark = (Remark)node[0];
        assertStringEquals("Raw String of the Remark #1","<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->",Remark.toHtml());
        // The tenth node should be a Remark
        assertTrue("Tenth node should be a Remark",node[9] instanceof Remark);
        Remark = (Remark)node[9];
        assertStringEquals("Raw String of the Remark #6","<!--\n   Whats gonna happen now ?\n-->",Remark.toHtml());
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        Remark Remark = (Remark)node[0];
        assertStringEquals("Raw String of the Remark #1","<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->",Remark.toHtml());
        // The tenth node should be a Remark
        assertTrue("Tenth node should be a Remark",node[9] instanceof Remark);
        Remark = (Remark)node[9];
        assertStringEquals("Raw String of the Remark #6","<!--\n   Whats gonna happen now ?\n-->",Remark.toHtml());

    public void testNonRemark() throws ParserException {
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        String suffix;

        reference = "<!-- This is a comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a comment --  >";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());
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        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a comment --  >";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a\nmultiline comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());
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        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a\nmultiline comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        suffix = "<head>";
        reference = "<!-- This is a comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
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        suffix = "<head>";
        reference = "<!-- This is a comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a comment --  >";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());
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        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a comment --  >";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a\nmultiline comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());
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        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

        reference = "<!-- This is a\nmultiline comment -->";
        lexer = new Lexer (reference + suffix);
        node = (Remark)lexer.nextNode ();
        assertEquals ("Tag contents wrong", reference, node.toHtml ());

//    /**
//     * Try a real page.
//     */
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