Suspend the request/response processing. The method returns {@code true} to indicate the response writer was suspended successfully.In case the provider has already been suspended earlier, the method returns {@code false}.
I/O container must not automatically {@link #commit() commit} the response writerwhen the processing on the I/O container thread is finished and the thread is released. Instead, the Jersey runtime will make sure to manually close the container response writer instance by explicitly calling the {@link #commit()}or {@link #failure(Throwable)} method at some later point in time.
Once suspended, the specified suspend timeout can be further updated using {@link #setSuspendTimeout(long,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) } method.
@param timeOut time-out value. Value less or equal to 0, indicates thatthe processing is suspended indefinitely.
@param timeUnit time-out time unit.
@param timeoutHandler time-out handler to process a time-out event if itoccurs.
@return {@code true} if the suspend operation completed successfully, {@code false} otherwise.
@see #setSuspendTimeout(long,TimeUnit)
@see #commit()