If the feature is {@link ETypedElement#isMany() many-valued}, the value must be an {@link EList}and the feature is considered set if the list is not empty. If the feature is {@link EStructuralFeature#isUnsettable unsettable}, the modeled state is directly available and is used. Otherwise, the {@link #eGet(EStructuralFeature,boolean) unresolved value} of the feature of the object is compared against the feature's {@link EStructuralFeature#getDefaultValue() default value}or the {@link #eClass meta class}'s {@link EStructuralFeature#getDefaultValue() default value}, as appropriate; the feature is considered set if it's not the same as the default.
This property can affect serialization, since defaults are typically omitted in a compact serialization.
@param feature the feature in question. @exception IllegalArgumentException if the feature is not one the {@link #eClass meta class}'s {@link EClass#getEAllStructuralFeatures features}. @return whether the feature of the object is set. @see #eSet(EStructuralFeature,Object) @see #eUnset(EStructuralFeature) @see #eGet(EStructuralFeature,boolean) @ignore @model @generated