If a pool ID is specified, we know we're binding to that exact pool. Specifying an entitle date in this case makes no sense and will throw an error.
If a list of product IDs are specified, we attempt to auto-bind to subscriptions which will provide those products. An optional date can be specified allowing the consumer to get compliant for some date in the future. If no date is specified we assume the current date.
If neither a pool nor an ID is specified, this is a healing request. The path is similar to the bind by products, but in this case we use the installed products on the consumer, and their current compliant status, to determine which product IDs should be requested. The entitle date is used the same as with bind by products.
The Respose will contain a list of Entitlement objects if async is false, or a JobDetail object if async is true. @param consumerUuid Consumer identifier to be entitled @param poolIdString Entitlement pool id. @param email email address. @param emailLocale locale for email address. @param async True if bind should be asynchronous, defaults to false. @param entitleDateStr specific date to entitle by. @return a Response object @httpcode 400 @httpcode 403 @httpcode 404 @httpcode 200