Transition to {@link CaseExecutionState#COMPLETED} state.
case execution must be in {@link CaseExecutionState#AVAILABLE}state to be able to do this transition.
For {@link EventListener event listener} transitions when the event being listened by the{@link EventListener event listener} instance does occur. For a {@link UserEventListener user eventlistener} instance this transition happens when a human decides to raise the event.
For {@link Milestone} instance transitions when one of the achieving {@link Sentry sentries}(entry criteria) is satisfied.If this
case execution has a parent case execution, that parent case execution will be notified that this
case execution has been completed (ie.the event or milestone occured). This can lead to a completion of the parent case execution, for more details when the parent case execution can be completed see {@link #complete()}.
case executionis not {@link CaseExecutionState#AVAILABLE}.
@throws ProcessEngineException when an internal exception happens during the executionof the command.