Compiles a Glob expression into a Perl5Pattern instance that can be used by a Perl5Matcher object to perform pattern matching.
@param pattern A Glob expression to compile.
@param options A set of flags giving the compiler instructions onhow to treat the glob expression. The flags are a logical OR of any number of the 3 MASK constants. For example:
regex = compiler.compile(pattern, GlobCompiler. CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK | GlobCompiler.STAR_CANNOT_MATCH_NULL_MASK);
This says to compile the pattern so that cannot match the null string and to perform matches in a case insensitive manner.
@return A Pattern instance constituting the compiled expression.This instance will always be a Perl5Pattern and can be reliably casted to a Perl5Pattern.
@exception MalformedPatternException If the compiled expressionis not a valid Glob expression.