Package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRev.history()

                Stream diffStream = changelogStream;
                if ( changelogStream.isWorkspace() )

                    workspaceHistory =
                        accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                         false );

                    if ( workspaceHistory == null )
                        errorMessage.append( "history on workspace " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to "
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                // History needs to start from the transaction after our starting transaction

                streamHistory =
                    accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                     false );
                if ( streamHistory == null )
                    errorMessage.append( "history on stream " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to " + toTranId
                        + " failed." );
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                Stream diffStream = changelogStream;
                if ( changelogStream.isWorkspace() )

                    workspaceHistory =
                        accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                         false );

                    if ( workspaceHistory == null )
                        errorMessage.append( "history on workspace " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to "
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                // History needs to start from the transaction after our starting transaction

                streamHistory =
                    accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                     false );
                if ( streamHistory == null )
                    errorMessage.append( "history on stream " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to " + toTranId
                        + " failed." );
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                Stream diffStream = changelogStream;
                if ( changelogStream.isWorkspace() )

                    workspaceHistory =
                        accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                         false );

                    if ( workspaceHistory == null )
                        errorMessage.append( "history on workspace " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to "
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                // History needs to start from the transaction after our starting transaction

                streamHistory =
                    accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
                                     false );
                if ( streamHistory == null )
                    errorMessage.append( "history on stream " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to " + toTranId
                        + " failed." );
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