long now = time.milliseconds();
RecordAccumulator accum = new RecordAccumulator(1024, 10 * 1024, 10L, 100L, false, metrics, time);
int appends = 1024 / msgSize;
for (int i = 0; i < appends; i++) {
accum.append(tp1, key, value, CompressionType.NONE, null);
assertEquals("No partitions should be ready.", 0, accum.ready(cluster, now).readyNodes.size());
accum.append(tp1, key, value, CompressionType.NONE, null);
assertEquals("Our partition's leader should be ready", Collections.singleton(node1), accum.ready(cluster, time.milliseconds()).readyNodes);
List<RecordBatch> batches = accum.drain(cluster, Collections.singleton(node1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0).get(node1.id());
assertEquals(1, batches.size());