System.out.println(" to: " + j.getString("to"));
System.out.println(" true: " + j.getString("true"));
System.out.println(" foo: " + j.getJSONArray("foo"));
System.out.println(" op: " + j.getString("op"));
System.out.println(" ten: " + j.getInt("ten"));
System.out.println(" oops: " + j.optBoolean("oops"));
j = XML.toJSONObject("<xml one = 1 two=' \"2\" '><five></five>First \u0009<content><five></five> This is \"content\". <three> 3 </three>JSON does not preserve the sequencing of elements and contents.<three> III </three> <three> T H R E E</three><four/>Content text is an implied structure in XML. <six content=\"6\"/>JSON does not have implied structure:<seven>7</seven>everything is explicit.<![CDATA[CDATA blocks<are><supported>!]]></xml>");