Package net.yacy.document.parser.html

Examples of net.yacy.document.parser.html.ImageEntry.height()

                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_dark", dark ? "1" : "0");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_type", "image");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_text", (entry.alt().isEmpty()) ? " " : markup(wordArray, entry.alt()));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_url", entry.url().toNormalform(false, true));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_link", markup(wordArray, entry.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
                    if (entry.width() > 0 && entry.height() > 0)
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_attr", entry.width() + "x" + entry.height() + " Pixel");
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_attr", "unknown");
                    dark = !dark;
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                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_type", "image");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_text", (entry.alt().isEmpty()) ? " " : markup(wordArray, entry.alt()));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_url", entry.url().toNormalform(false, true));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_link", markup(wordArray, entry.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
                    if (entry.width() > 0 && entry.height() > 0)
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_attr", entry.width() + "x" + entry.height() + " Pixel");
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_attr", "unknown");
                    dark = !dark;
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        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ientry =;
            url = new DigestURI(ientry.url());
            final String u = url.toString();
            if (u.indexOf(".ico") >= 0 || u.indexOf("favicon") >= 0) continue;
            if (ientry.height() > 0 && ientry.height() < 32) continue;
            if (ientry.width() > 0 && ientry.width() < 32) continue;
            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
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        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ientry =;
            url = new DigestURI(ientry.url());
            final String u = url.toString();
            if (u.indexOf(".ico") >= 0 || u.indexOf("favicon") >= 0) continue;
            if (ientry.height() > 0 && ientry.height() < 32) continue;
            if (ientry.width() > 0 && ientry.width() < 32) continue;
            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
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            if (ientry.width() > 0 && ientry.width() < 32) continue;
            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
            final long ranking = Long.MAX_VALUE - (ientry.height() + 1) * (ientry.width() + 1) * (appcount + 1);
            result.add(new MediaSnippet(ContentDomain.IMAGE, url, MimeTable.url2mime(url), desc, ientry.fileSize(), ientry.width(), ientry.height(), ranking, source));
        return result;

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            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
            final long ranking = Long.MAX_VALUE - (ientry.height() + 1) * (ientry.width() + 1) * (appcount + 1);
            result.add(new MediaSnippet(ContentDomain.IMAGE, url, MimeTable.url2mime(url), desc, ientry.fileSize(), ientry.width(), ientry.height(), ranking, source));
        return result;

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                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_dark", dark ? "1" : "0");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_type", "image");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_text", (entry.alt().isEmpty()) ? "&nbsp;" : markup(wordArray, entry.alt()));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_url", entry.url().toNormalform(false, true));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_link", markup(wordArray, entry.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
                    if (entry.width() > 0 && entry.height() > 0) {
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_rel", entry.width() + "x" + entry.height() + " Pixel");
                    } else {
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_rel", "");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_name", "");
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                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_type", "image");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_text", (entry.alt().isEmpty()) ? "&nbsp;" : markup(wordArray, entry.alt()));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_url", entry.url().toNormalform(false, true));
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_link", markup(wordArray, entry.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
                    if (entry.width() > 0 && entry.height() > 0) {
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_rel", entry.width() + "x" + entry.height() + " Pixel");
                    } else {
                        prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_rel", "");
                    prop.put("viewMode_links_" + i + "_name", "");
                    dark = !dark;
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        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ientry =;
            url = new DigestURI(ientry.url());
            final String u = url.toString();
            if (u.indexOf(".ico",0) >= 0 || u.indexOf("favicon",0) >= 0) continue;
            if (ientry.height() > 0 && ientry.height() < 32) continue;
            if (ientry.width() > 0 && ientry.width() < 32) continue;
            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
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        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ientry =;
            url = new DigestURI(ientry.url());
            final String u = url.toString();
            if (u.indexOf(".ico",0) >= 0 || u.indexOf("favicon",0) >= 0) continue;
            if (ientry.height() > 0 && ientry.height() < 32) continue;
            if (ientry.width() > 0 && ientry.width() < 32) continue;
            desc = ientry.alt();
            final int appcount = queryhashes.size()  * 2 -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(url.toNormalform(false, false), queryhashes).size() -
                           removeAppearanceHashes(desc, queryhashes).size();
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