Warning: This method is related to the JSR107 specification, which is in draft. It is subject to change without notice.
The load method provides a means to "pre load" the cache. This method will, asynchronously, load the specified object into the cache using the associated cacheloader. If the object already exists in the cache, no action is taken. If no loader is associated with the object, no object will be loaded into the cache. If a problem is encountered during the retrieving or loading of the object, an exception should be logged. If the "arg" argument is set, the arg object will be passed to the CacheLoader.load method. The cache will not dereference the object. If no "arg" value is provided a null will be passed to the load method. The storing of null values in the cache is permitted, however, the get method will not distinguish returning a null stored in the cache and not finding the object in the cache. In both cases a null is returned.
The Ehcache native API provides similar functionality to loaders using the decorator {@link net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.SelfPopulatingCache}
@param key key whose associated value to be loaded using the associated cacheloader if this cache doesn't contain it.
@throws CacheException