, indicating that it is prepared; ABORT
, indicating that it will abort, or NOTCHANGED
, indicating that it did not have any state changed by the transaction (i.e., it was read-only). If the response is PREPARED
, the participant must wait until it receives a commit or abort call from the transaction manager; it may query the transaction manager if needed as to the state of the transaction. If the response is ABORT
, the participant should roll its state back to undo any changes that occurred due to operations performed under the transaction; it can then discard any information about the transaction. If the response is NOTCHANGED
, the participant can immediately discard any knowledge of the transaction.
@param mgr the manager of the transaction
@param id the transaction ID
@return an int
representing this participant's state
@throws UnknownTransactionException if the transaction is unknown to the transaction manager, either because the transaction ID is incorrect or because the transaction is complete and its state has been discarded by the manager.
@throws RemoteException if there is a communication error