byte infoLength = is.readByte();
is.skip(1); // ColorMapType
byte imageType = is.readByte(); // run-length true-color image types = 0x0A
is.skip(5); // ColorMapSpecification - color map data
is.skip(2); //int xOrigin = is.readWord();
is.skip(2); //int yOrigin = is.readWord();
int width = is.readWord();
int height = is.readWord();
byte depth = is.readByte(); // 24 bit depth is good
/*byte descriptor =*/ is.readByte(); // bits 5 and 4 (00110000) specify the corner to start coloring pixels - 00=bl, 01=br, 10=tl, 11=tr
is.skip(infoLength); //String info = is.readFixedLengthString(infoLength);