Formula f2 = next.join(first).no(); // first element has no predecessor
Variable e = Variable.unary("");
Formula f3 = e.eq(first).or(next.join(e).one()); // each element (except the first) has one predecessor
Formula f4 = e.eq(elem.difference(next.join(elem))).or(e.join(next).one()); // each element (except the last) has one successor
Formula f5 =; // there are no cycles
return k2pos(f3.and(f4).and(f5).forAll(e.oneOf(elem)).and(f1).and(f2), x);
// This says no(a&b) and no((a+b)&c) and no((a+b+c)&d)...
// Emperically this seems to be more efficient than "no(a&b) and no(a&c) and no(b&c)"
Formula answer = null;
Expression a = null;