Completes the asynchronous operation that was started on the request that was used to initialze this AsyncContext, closing the response that was used to initialize this AsyncContext.
Any listeners of type {@link AsyncListener} that were registeredwith the ServletRequest for which this AsyncContext was created will be invoked at their {@link AsyncListener#onComplete(AsyncEvent) onComplete} method.
It is legal to call this method any time after a call to {@link ServletRequest#startAsync()} or{@link ServletRequest#startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse)}, and before a call to one of the dispatch methods of this class. If this method is called before the container-initiated dispatch that called startAsync has returned to the container, then the call will not take effect (and any invocations of {@link AsyncListener#onComplete(AsyncEvent)} will be delayed) untilafter the container-initiated dispatch has returned to the container.