This method is invoked during the resolve phase of parsing. It is designed to allow application defined fields to be simplified into more standard fields, such as those on {@code ChronoField}, or into a date.
Applications should not normally invoke this method directly. @implSpec If an implementation represents a field that can be simplified, or combined with others, then this method must be implemented.
The specified map contains the current state of the parse. The map is mutable and must be mutated to resolve the field and any related fields. This method will only be invoked during parsing if the map contains this field, and implementations should therefore assume this field is present.
Resolving a field will consist of looking at the value of this field, and potentially other fields, and either updating the map with a simpler value, such as a {@code ChronoField}, or returning a complete {@code ChronoLocalDate}. If a resolve is successful, the code must remove all the fields that were resolved from the map, including this field.
For example, the {@code IsoFields} class contains the quarter-of-yearand day-of-quarter fields. The implementation of this method in that class resolves the two fields plus the {@link ChronoField#YEAR YEAR} into acomplete {@code LocalDate}. The resolve method will remove all three fields from the map before returning the {@code LocalDate}.
A partially complete temporal is used to allow the chronology and zone to be queried. In general, only the chronology will be needed. Querying items other than the zone or chronology is undefined and must not be relied on. The behavior of other methods such as {@code get}, {@code getLong}, {@code range} and {@code isSupported} is unpredictable and the results undefined.
If resolution should be possible, but the data is invalid, the resolver style should be used to determine an appropriate level of leniency, which may require throwing a {@code DateTimeException} or {@code ArithmeticException}. If no resolution is possible, the resolve method must return null.
When resolving time fields, the map will be altered and null returned. When resolving date fields, the date is normally returned from the method, with the map altered to remove the resolved fields. However, it would also be acceptable for the date fields to be resolved into other {@code ChronoField}instances that can produce a date, such as {@code EPOCH_DAY}.
Not all {@code TemporalAccessor} implementations are accepted as return values.Implementations that call this method must accept {@code ChronoLocalDate}, {@code ChronoLocalDateTime}, {@code ChronoZonedDateTime} and {@code LocalTime}.
The default implementation must return null. @param fieldValues the map of fields to values, which can be updated, not null @param partialTemporal the partially complete temporal to query for zone andchronology; querying for other things is undefined and not recommended, not null @param resolverStyle the requested type of resolve, not null @return the resolved temporal object; null if resolving onlychanged the map, or no resolve occurred @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs @throws DateTimeException if resolving results in an error. This must not be thrownby querying a field on the temporal without first checking if it is supported