This method transforms color values using algorithms designed to produce the best perceptual match between input and output colors. In order to do colorimetric conversion of color values, you should use the toCIEXYZ
method of the CS_sRGB color space to first convert from the input color space to the CS_CIEXYZ color space, and then use the fromCIEXYZ
method of this color space to convert from CS_CIEXYZ to the output color space. See {@link #toCIEXYZ(float[]) toCIEXYZ} and{@link #fromCIEXYZ(float[]) fromCIEXYZ} for further information.
@param rgbvalue a float array with length of at least 3 @return a float array with length equal to the number ofcomponents in this ColorSpace @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array length is notat least 3