final int field = factory.fieldIndex( fieldName );
if ( field < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field " + fieldName + " is not part of factory " + factory.getClass().getName() );
if ( !indexedFields.contains( field ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field " + factory.fieldName( field ) + " is not being indexed" );
if ( factory.fieldType( field ) != DocumentFactory.FieldType.VIRTUAL ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field " + factory.fieldName( field ) + " is not virtual" );
try {
virtualDocumentGap[ indexedFields.indexOf( field ) ] = Integer.parseInt( virtualDocumentGapSpec[ i ].substring( split + 1 ) );
if ( virtualDocumentGap[ indexedFields.indexOf( field ) ] < 0 ) throw new NumberFormatException( "Gap can't be negative" );
catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot parse gap correctly " + virtualDocumentGapSpec[ i ], e );