The "update" operation can be performed instead of a fresh checkout if feasible.
This operation should also capture the information necessary to tag the workspace later. @param launcher Abstracts away the machine that the files will be checked out. @param workspace a directory to check out the source code. May contain left-over from the previous build. @param changelogFile Upon a successful return, this file should capture the changelog. When there's no change, this file should contain an empty entry. See {@link #createEmptyChangeLog(File,BuildListener,String)}. @return false if the operation fails. The error should be reported to the listener. Otherwise return the changes included in this update (if this was an update.)
Using the return value to indicate success/failure should be considered deprecated, and implementations are encouraged to throw {@link AbortException} to indicate a failure. @throws InterruptedException interruption is usually caused by the user aborting the build. this exception will cause the build to be aborted.