Suspends this thread. The thread can be resumed through {@link #resume} or resumed with other threads through{@link VirtualMachine#resume}.
Unlike {@link java.lang.Thread#suspend}, suspends of both the virtual machine and individual threads are counted. Before a thread will run again, it must be resumed (through {@link #resume} or {@link ThreadReference#resume}) the same number of times it has been suspended.
Suspending single threads with this method has the same dangers as {@link java.lang.Thread#suspend()}. If the suspended thread holds a monitor needed by another running thread, deadlock is possible in the target VM (at least until the suspended thread is resumed again).
The suspended thread is guaranteed to remain suspended until resumed through one of the JDI resume methods mentioned above; the application in the target VM cannot resume the suspended thread through {@link java.lang.Thread#resume}.
@throws VMCannotBeModifiedException if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see {@link VirtualMachine#canBeModified()}.