Package com.scaleunlimited.cascading

Examples of com.scaleunlimited.cascading.LoggingFlowProcess.increment()

    public void run() {
        LoggingFlowProcess process = _fetchMgr.getProcess();
        process.increment(FetchCounters.DOMAINS_PROCESSING, 1);
        final long minPageFetchInterval = _httpFetcher.getFetcherPolicy().getMinPageFetchInterval();
        try {
            // TODO KKr - when fetching the last item, send a Connection: close
            // header to let the server know it doesn't need to keep the socket open.
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                Comparable status = null;

                long fetchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                try {
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHING, 1);
                    result = _httpFetcher.get(item);
                    long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - fetchStartTime;

                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_TIME, (int)deltaTime);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHED, 1);
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                try {
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHING, 1);
                    result = _httpFetcher.get(item);
                    long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - fetchStartTime;

                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_TIME, (int)deltaTime);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHED, 1);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_BYTES, result.getContentLength());
                    process.setStatus(Level.SLF4J_TRACE, "Fetched " + result);

                    status = UrlStatus.FETCHED.toString();
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                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHING, 1);
                    result = _httpFetcher.get(item);
                    long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - fetchStartTime;

                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_TIME, (int)deltaTime);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHED, 1);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_BYTES, result.getContentLength());
                    process.setStatus(Level.SLF4J_TRACE, "Fetched " + result);

                    status = UrlStatus.FETCHED.toString();
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                    result = _httpFetcher.get(item);
                    long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - fetchStartTime;

                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_TIME, (int)deltaTime);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHED, 1);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.FETCHED_BYTES, result.getContentLength());
                    process.setStatus(Level.SLF4J_TRACE, "Fetched " + result);

                    status = UrlStatus.FETCHED.toString();
                    // TODO - check keep-alive response (if present), and close the connection/delay
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                    // TODO - check keep-alive response (if present), and close the connection/delay
                    // for some amount of time if we exceed this limit.
                } catch (AbortedFetchException e) {
          "Aborted while fetching " + item.getUrl() + " due to " + e.getAbortReason());
                    if (e.getAbortReason() == AbortedFetchReason.INTERRUPTED) {
                        process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_SKIPPED, 1);
                        // Make sure our loop terminates.
                    } else {
                        process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FAILED, 1);
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                        process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_SKIPPED, 1);
                        // Make sure our loop terminates.
                    } else {
                        process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FAILED, 1);
                    status = (Comparable)e;
                } catch (BaseFetchException e) {
          "Fetch exception while fetching " + item.getUrl(), e);
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                    status = (Comparable)e;
                } catch (BaseFetchException e) {
          "Fetch exception while fetching " + item.getUrl(), e);
                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FAILED, 1);

                    // We can do this because each of the concrete subclasses of BaseFetchException implements
                    // WritableComparable
                    status = (Comparable)e;
                } catch (Exception e) {
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                    // WritableComparable
                    status = (Comparable)e;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.warn("Unexpected exception while fetching " + item.getUrl(), e);

                    process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_FAILED, 1);
                    status = new IOFetchException(item.getUrl(), new IOException(e));
                } finally {
                    process.decrement(FetchCounters.URLS_FETCHING, 1);

                    Tuple tuple = result.getTuple();
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            // While we still have entries, we need to write them out to avoid losing them.
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ScoredUrlDatum item =;
                FetchedDatum result = new FetchedDatum(item);
                process.increment(FetchCounters.URLS_SKIPPED, 1);
                AbortedFetchException status = new AbortedFetchException(item.getUrl(), AbortedFetchReason.INTERRUPTED);
                Tuple tuple = result.getTuple();
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