flag is set to true then it is assumed that the packets are already in the proper order. If not then they will have the references of the byte[]'s shuffled within the byte[][]. No data will be copied, only references swapped. This means that if the byte[][] is wrapping an underlying byte[] then the shuffling proceedure may bring the byte[][] out of sync with the underlying data structure. From an SPI perspective this means that the implementation is expected to follow the exact same behavior as the shuffle() method in this class which means that you should simply call shuffle() if the flag is false.
@param pkts An array of k
byte[]'s that contain the repairpackets to be decoded. The decoding proceedure will copy the decoded data into the byte[]'s that are provided and will place them in order within the byte[][]. If the byte[][] is already properly shuffled then the byte[]'s will not be moved around in the byte[][].
@param pktsOff An array of integers which specifies the offset of eacheach packet within its associated byte[].
@param index This int[] specifies the indexes of the packets to bedecoded. These indexes must be between 0..n
@param packetLength the packetLength in bytes. All of the buffersin pkts are assumed to be this long.