Package com.jme3.util

Examples of com.jme3.util.LittleEndien.skipBytes()

//                    System.out.println("We have ACON. Next!");
                    nextInt = getNext(leIn);
                    while (nextInt >= 0) {
                        if (nextInt == 0x68696e61) {
//                            System.out.println("we have 'anih' header");
                            leIn.skipBytes(8); // internal struct length (always 36)
                            numIcons = leIn.readInt();
                            steps = leIn.readInt(); // number of blits for ani cycles
                            width = leIn.readInt();
                            height = leIn.readInt();
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                            leIn.skipBytes(8); // internal struct length (always 36)
                            numIcons = leIn.readInt();
                            steps = leIn.readInt(); // number of blits for ani cycles
                            width = leIn.readInt();
                            height = leIn.readInt();
                            jiffy = leIn.readInt();
                            flag = leIn.readInt();
                            nextInt = leIn.readInt();
                        } else if (nextInt == 0x65746172) { // found a 'rate' of animation
//                            System.out.println("we have 'rate'.");
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//                            System.out.println("we have 'LIST'.");
                            int length = leIn.readInt();
                            nextInt = leIn.readInt();
                            if (nextInt == 0x4f464e49) { // Got an INFO, skip its length
                                // this part consist  of Author, title, etc
                                leIn.skipBytes(length - 4);
//                                System.out.println(" Discarding INFO (skipped = " + skipped + ")");
                                nextInt = leIn.readInt();
                            } else if (nextInt == 0x6d617266) { // found a 'fram' for animation
//                                System.out.println("we have 'fram'.");
                                if (leIn.readInt() == 0x6e6f6369) { // we have 'icon'
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                                    icons = new ArrayList<byte[]>(numIcons);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; i++) {
                                        if (i > 0) {
                                            // skip 'icon' header and length as they are
                                            // known already and won't change.
                                        byte[] data = new byte[icoLength];
                                        ((InputStream) leIn).read(data, 0, icoLength);
                                        // in case the header didn't have width or height
                                        // get it from first image.
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