// parametric equation of a line: x = px + vx * t; y = py + vy * t; z = pz + vz * t
// where p = currPos and v = directionVector
// using x, y and z in plane equation we get value of 't' that will allow us to compute the point where plane and line cross
float temp = planeNormal.dot(directionVector);
for (int i = 0; i < bevel.length; ++i) {
float t = -(planeNormal.dot(bevel[i]) + D) / temp;
if (fixUpAxis) {
bevel[i] = new Vector3f(bevel[i].x + directionVector.x * t, bevel[i].y + directionVector.y * t, bevel[i].z + directionVector.z * t);
} else {
bevel[i] = new Vector3f(bevel[i].x + directionVector.x * t, -bevel[i].z + directionVector.z * t, bevel[i].y + directionVector.y * t);