It does this by preprocessing the regex pattern string and interpreting the character classes (\p{...}, \P{...}, [...]) according to their syntax and meaning in UnicodeSet. With this utility, Java regex expressions can be updated to work with the latest version of Unicode, and with all Unicode properties. Note that the UnicodeSet syntax has not yet, however, been updated to be completely consistent with Java regex, so be careful of the differences.
Not thread-safe; create a separate copy for different threads.
In the future, we may extend this to support other regex packages.
@regex A modified Java regex pattern, as in the input toPattern.compile(), except that all "character classes" are processed as if they were UnicodeSet patterns. Example: "abc[:bc=N:]. See UnicodeSet for the differences in syntax.
@return A processed Java regex pattern, suitable for input toPattern.compile().