config.setHeader("enablePortals", "\nTurns portal usage on or off on a global level");
config.addHeader("enablePortals", "When disabled, portal teleportation will not be handled by MyWorlds whatsoever");
enablePortals = config.get("enablePortals", true);
config.setHeader("allowPersonalPortals", "\nWhether individually placed nether/end portals create their own destination portal");
config.addHeader("allowPersonalPortals", "False: Players are teleported to the spawn point of the world");
config.addHeader("allowPersonalPortals", "True: Players are teleported to their own portal on the other world");
allowPersonalPortals = config.get("allowPersonalPortals", true);
config.setHeader("ignoreEggSpawns", "\nWhether egg-spawned entities are allowed to spawn, even if worlds have these entities blacklisted");
ignoreEggSpawns = config.get("ignoreEggSpawns", true);