List<String> repoRelativeFilePathList = context.getLocalYumRepo().parseFileListFromRepoMetadata();
S3RepositoryPath s3RepositoryPath = context.getS3RepositoryPath();
ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest()
if (s3RepositoryPath.hasBucketRelativeFolder()) {
request.withPrefix(s3RepositoryPath.getBucketRelativeFolder() + "/");
List<S3ObjectSummary> result = S3Utils.listAllObjects(context.getS3Session(), request);
// we will start with a set of metadata-declared files and remove any file we find that exists in the repo;
// we expect the Set to be empty when finished iteration. note that s3 api returns bucket-relative
// paths, so we prefix each of our repoRelativeFilePaths with the repository path.