logger.severe("Exception thrown while parsing Component XML", e);
throw new NonstandardException("Exception while parsing Component XML", e);
// create a new TypeMap and fill in the values
TypeMap componentEnv = new TypeMapImpl();
componentEnv.putString("execHost", cInfo.getInstanceLocation());
componentEnv.putString("creationProto", cInfo.getCreationProto());
// check if a valid installation exists for this host/proto
boolean found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < executionEnvList.length; k++) {
ExecutionEnv executionEnv = executionEnvList[k];
String[] hostName = executionEnv.getHostName();
String[] creationMech = executionEnv.getCreationProto();
// check if there is a match for the hostName
int h;
for (h = 0; h < hostName.length; h++) {
if (hostName[h].equals(cInfo.getInstanceLocation())) {
// if h equals hostName.length, then skip
if (h == hostName.length)
// check if there is a match for creationProto
int m;
for (m = 0; m < creationMech.length; m++) {
if (creationMech[m].equals(cInfo.getCreationProto())) {
// if h equals creationMech.length, then skip
if (m == creationMech.length)
// if we get here, this is a valid installation for this
// creationProto/execHost pair
NameValuePair[] nameValuePairList =
for (int l = 0; l < nameValuePairList.length; l++) {
NameValuePair nameValuePair = nameValuePairList[l];
String nameOfVariable = nameValuePair.getName();
String value = nameValuePair.getValue();
componentEnv.putString(nameOfVariable, value);
// found an installation, break here
found = true;
// if no valid installation found, throw an Exception
if (!found) {
String message = new String ("No valid installation for : " +
cInfo.getInstanceLocation() + " , " +
throw new NonstandardException(message);
// get the name of the class for the component
String className = componentEnv.getString("className",
if (className.equals("None"))
throw new NonstandardException("Property className for component not defined");
// notify that this is a migration
componentEnv.putString("componentHandle", cInfo.getInstanceHandle());
componentEnv.putBool("isMigrated", true);
// invoke the Builder Service to create a new instance
XCATBuilderService builderService = null;
try {
builderService = new XCATBuilderServiceImpl(false);