Class componentClass = Class.forName(className);
gov.cca.Component component =
(gov.cca.Component) componentClass.newInstance();
// create a new services object
XCATServicesImpl services = new XCATServicesImpl(instanceName);
// invoke the setServices method on the component
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.severe("Can't invoke setServices on component", e);
throw new NonstandardException("Can't invoke setServices on component", e);
// retrieve the ComponentID for this component
if (!(services.getComponentID() instanceof XCATComponentIDServerImpl))
throw new NonstandardException("ComponentID not an instance of XCATComponentIDServerImpl");
XCATComponentIDServerImpl cid = (XCATComponentIDServerImpl) services.getComponentID();
// set the GSH for this ComponentID
// Add a reference to this ComponentID into the Handle Resolver
HandleResolver.addReference(instanceHandle, cid);
// add some SDEs to the Component
logger.finest("adding default Service Data Elements");
ServiceDataManagerInterface sdm =
ServiceDataElementFactory sdeFactory =
// an SDE for the name of the Component
XmlQName serviceQName = XmlQName.Factory.newInstance();
serviceQName.setQNameValue(new QName("",
ServiceDataElement serviceNameSDE =
sdeFactory.newServiceDataElement(new QName(OGSI.OGSI_NS,
// add SDEs for GSH's of each of the ports
String[] portNames = services.getProvidedPortNames();
for (int i = 0; i < portNames.length; i++) {
String portHandle = services.getPortHandle(portNames[i]);
String handleXMLString =
"<tns:providesPortHandle " +
"xmlns:tns=\"\" " +
"name=\"" + portNames[i] + "\">" +
portHandle +