Package xbird.xquery

Examples of xbird.xquery.XQueryProcessor

        int gcBefore = SystemUtils.countGC();
        long free = SystemUtils.getHeapFreeMemory();
        StringBuilder stdbuf = new StringBuilder(256);
        stdbuf.append(" - free(init): " + StringUtils.displayBytesSize(free));
        StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("[Xbird] " + queryFile);
        XQueryProcessor processor = new XQueryProcessor();
        XQueryModule mod = processor.parse(new FileInputStream(queryFile), new File(DOC_BASE).toURI());
        Sequence result = processor.execute(mod);
        StringWriter res_sw = new StringWriter();
        Serializer ser = new SAXSerializer(new SAXWriter(res_sw), res_sw);
        String swresult = sw.toString();
        long used = SystemUtils.getHeapUsedMemory();
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            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new XQueryException("Caused an IO error", e);
        } else {
            XQueryModule xqmod = new XQueryModule();
            XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor(xqmod);
            XQueryModule module = proc.parse(reader, getBaseUri());
            if(_pull) {
                executeWithPullMode(proc, module, writer);
            } else {
                executeWithPushMode(proc, module, writer);
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        long free = SystemUtils.getHeapFreeMemory();
        StringBuilder stdbuf = new StringBuilder(256);
        stdbuf.append(" - free(init): " + StringUtils.displayBytesSize(free));
        final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("[Xbird] " + queryFile);
        queryFile = XMARK_HOME + '/' + queryFile;
        final XQueryProcessor processor = new XQueryProcessor();
        XQueryModule mod = processor.parse(new FileInputStream(queryFile), new File(queryFile).toURI());
        Sequence result = processor.execute(mod);
        StringWriter res_sw = new StringWriter();
        final Serializer ser = new SAXSerializer(new SAXWriter(res_sw), res_sw);
        String swresult = sw.toString();
        long used = SystemUtils.getHeapUsedMemory();
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        Assert.assertEquals(2, list.size());

        String query1 = "fn:collection('/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/1.xml')//author[1]";
        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor();
        XQueryModule compiled1 = proc.parse(query1);
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        SAXWriter handler = new SAXWriter(sw);
        SAXSerializer ser = new SAXSerializer(handler);

        proc.execute(compiled1, ser);
        String result1 = sw.toString();

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        Assert.assertEquals(2, list.size());

        String query1 = "fn:collection('/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/.*.xml')//author";
        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor();
        XQueryModule compiled1 = proc.parse(query1);
        Sequence<? extends Item> items = proc.execute(compiled1);
        INodeSequence<DTMElement> nodes = ProxyNodeSequence.wrap(items, DynamicContext.DUMMY);

        for(DTMElement node : nodes) {
            Object unmarshalled = xstream.unmarshal(new DTMReader(node));
            Author author = (Author) unmarshalled;
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                    throw new RemoteException("failed to declare shipped variable: " + var, e);

        final XQueryProcessor proccessor = new XQueryProcessor(module);
        try {
            proccessor.parse(query, queryRequest.getBaseUri());
        } catch (XQueryException e) {
            LOG.error("parse failed: \n" + query, e);
        final Sequence<? extends Item> resultSeq;
        _runningThreads.put(rc, Thread.currentThread());
        final DynamicContext dynEnv = new DynamicContext(proccessor.getStaticContext());
        try {
            resultSeq = proccessor.execute(module, dynEnv);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("execute failed: \n" + query, e);
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    private static String invokeQueryPushModeUsingSAX(String query) throws XQueryException,
            XMLStreamException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor();
        InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(query.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        XQueryModule module = proc.parse(input);
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(8192);
        SAXWriter saxwr = new SAXWriter(writer);
        Serializer ser = new SAXSerializer(saxwr, writer);
        proc.execute(module, ser);
        return writer.toString();
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        InputStream input2 = Example1.class.getResourceAsStream("bib_absolute.xq");
        invokeQueryPushMode(input2, null);

    private static void invokeQueryPullMode(InputStream input, URI baseUri) throws XQueryException {
        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor();
        // #1 parse a query
        XQueryModule module = proc.parse(input, baseUri);
        // #2 execute the compiled expression using ``pull'' mode
        Sequence<? extends Item> result = proc.execute(module);

        // prepare SAX result handler
        Writer writer = new NoopWriter();
        SAXWriter saxHandler = new SAXWriter(writer, "UTF-8"); // SAXWriter implements ContentHandler
        saxHandler.setPrettyPrint(true); // enabled formatting
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    private static void invokeQueryPushMode(InputStream input, URI baseUri) throws XQueryException,
            XMLStreamException {
        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor();
        // #1 parse a query
        XQueryModule module = proc.parse(input);

        // prepare a result handler (StAX)
        Writer writer = new StringWriter();
        XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
        XMLStreamWriter streamWriter = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(writer);
        XQEventReceiver handler = new StAXSerializer(streamWriter);

        // #2 execute the compiled expression using ``push'' mode
        //   In push mode, the result is directed to the events.
        proc.execute(module, handler);

        streamWriter.flush(); // flushing is required
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                        println("Query: ");
                    final NodeList expectedErrors = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='expected-error']", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                        XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor(xqmod);
                        if(contextItem != null) {
                        final StringWriter res_sw = new StringWriter();
                        try {
                            XQueryModule mod = proc.parse(query, baseUri);
                            Sequence result = proc.execute(mod);
                            SAXWriter saxwriter = new SAXWriter(res_sw, SAXWriter.DEFAULT_ENCODING);
                            Serializer ser = new SAXSerializer(saxwriter, res_sw);
                        } catch (Throwable ex) {
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Related Classes of xbird.xquery.XQueryProcessor

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