* Wraps {@link #run()} with timing, thread-naming, and capturing std-out
* (if set to do so)
public final V call() throws Exception {
TimeOut timeOut = null;
try {
if (status == QStatus.CANCELLED)
throw new CancellationException();
start = new Time();
// set a timer running
// - can lead to InterruptedExceptions
if (maxTime > 0) {
timeOut = new TimeOut(maxTime);
// assert runner != null;
status = QStatus.RUNNING;
thread = Thread.currentThread();
// Set the thread name (but keep it short)
// This will always be reset to Done: or Error: by the end of the
// method call
thread.setName(StrUtils.ellipsize(name == null ? toString() : name,
if (captureStdOut) {
sysOut = new SysOutCollectorStream();
// run!
output = run();
end = new Time();
status = QStatus.DONE;
thread.setName(StrUtils.ellipsize("Done: " + thread.getName(), 32));
return output;
} catch (Throwable e) {
status = QStatus.ERROR;
if (runner != null) {
runner.report(this, e);
thread.setName(StrUtils.ellipsize("Error: " + thread.getName(), 32));
// There's not much point throwing an exception from within an
// executor
// - but it's useful in debugging.
throw Utils.runtime(e);
} finally {
if (timeOut != null) {
if (runner != null) {
// drop references