A filter that 'cleanses' the numeric data from values that are too small, too big or very close to a certain value (e.g., 0) and sets these values to a pre-defined default.
Valid options are:
-D Turns on output of debugging information.
-min <double> The minimum threshold. (default -Double.MAX_VALUE)
-min-default <double> The replacement for values smaller than the minimum threshold. (default -Double.MAX_VALUE)
-max <double> The maximum threshold. (default Double.MAX_VALUE)
-max-default <double> The replacement for values larger than the maximum threshold. (default Double.MAX_VALUE)
-closeto <double> The number values are checked for closeness. (default 0)
-closeto-default <double> The replacement for values that are close to '-closeto'. (default 0)
-closeto-tolerance <double> The tolerance below which numbers are considered being close to to each other. (default 1E-6)
-decimals <int> The number of decimals to round to, -1 means no rounding at all. (default -1)
-R <col1,col2,...> The list of columns to cleanse, e.g., first-last or first-3,5-last. (default first-last)
-V Inverts the matching sense.
-include-class Whether to include the class in the cleansing. The class column will always be skipped, if this flag is not present. (default no)
@author fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
@version $Revision: 5543 $