An instance filter that discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes. Discretization is by simple binning. Skips the class attribute if set.
Valid options are:
-unset-class-temporarily Unsets the class index temporarily before the filter is applied to the data. (default: no)
-B <num> Specifies the (maximum) number of bins to divide numeric attributes into. (default = 10)
-M <num> Specifies the desired weight of instances per bin for equal-frequency binning. If this is set to a positive number then the -B option will be ignored. (default = -1)
-F Use equal-frequency instead of equal-width discretization.
-O Optimize number of bins using leave-one-out estimate of estimated entropy (for equal-width discretization). If this is set then the -B option will be ignored.
-R <col1,col2-col4,...> Specifies list of columns to Discretize. First and last are valid indexes. (default: first-last)
-V Invert matching sense of column indexes.
-D Output binary attributes for discretized attributes.
@author Len Trigg (
@author Eibe Frank (
@version $Revision: 6568 $