Changes the order of the classes so that the class values are no longer of in the order specified in the header. The values will be in the order specified by the user -- it could be either in ascending/descending order by the class frequency or in random order. Note that this filter currently does not change the header, only the class values of the instances, so there is not much point in using it in conjunction with the FilteredClassifier. The value can also be converted back using 'originalValue(double value)' procedure.
Valid options are:
-R <seed> Specify the seed of randomization used to randomize the class order (default: 1)
-C <order> Specify the class order to be sorted, could be 0: ascending 1: descending and 2: random.(default: 0)
@author Xin Xu (
@author Eibe Frank (
@version $Revision: 5541 $