// the t-test for accuracy is always performed only between classifier 0 and classifier 1
// meaning, the first instance of Weka RF and first instance of FastRF
// the following instances use a different # of threads but that doesn't affect results
double testTrainRatio = 1 / (double) (numFolds - 1);
PairedStatsCorrected pscAuc = new PairedStatsCorrected(0.05, testTrainRatio);
pscAuc.add(aucScore[0], aucScore[1]);
PairedStatsCorrected pscAccy = new PairedStatsCorrected(0.05, testTrainRatio);
pscAccy.add(accyScore[0], accyScore[1]);
PairedStatsCorrected pscTime = new PairedStatsCorrected(0.05, testTrainRatio);
pscTime.add(timeScore[0], timeScore[1]);
System.err.printf( Locale.US, "| Statistical significance of difference in mean of " +
"AUC scores is p=%6.4f (%s wins), " +
"in accuracy is p=%6.4f (%s wins). " +
" Average speedup is: %4.2f times.\n",