GreedyStepwise :
Performs a greedy forward or backward search through the space of attribute subsets. May start with no/all attributes or from an arbitrary point in the space. Stops when the addition/deletion of any remaining attributes results in a decrease in evaluation. Can also produce a ranked list of attributes by traversing the space from one side to the other and recording the order that attributes are selected.
Valid options are:
-C Use conservative forward search
-B Use a backward search instead of a forward one.
-P <start set> Specify a starting set of attributes. Eg. 1,3,5-7.
-R Produce a ranked list of attributes.
-T <threshold> Specify a theshold by which attributes may be discarded from the ranking. Use in conjuction with -R
-N <num to select> Specify number of attributes to select
@author Mark Hall
@version $Revision: 7267 $